[S922X] Ugoos AM6(+), Help & Support

When you have installed CE, have you copied dovi.ko file to the root of your flash drive? In Settings/System, do you have any Dolby Vision-related options in the bottom-most tab? Also, in Settings/ System information/Video is Dolby Vision shown among the display supported HDR types?

Hi, is it possible to play DVD disks with an USB external DVD drive connected to Ugoos AM6B+? Is there any limitation, or anything to consider when buying such DVD drive? Rip DVD discs is not an option, I would like to use this setup: Ugoos + external DVD drive. Thanks!

This only happens with 4k remuxes
When the film plays normally I have: player cache, video queue, video queue data at 99% and when the film jerks/stops everything is at 0%
It’s frustrating and I’ve tried different cache settings and nothing improves the situation
Thank you very much to anyone who took the time to help me

A post was merged into an existing topic: Help, support CPM build

I swear I put that file in the right place but under the last tab under settings/system i have “display” with disable noise reduction, tone map sdr to hdr, tone map hdr to sdr and reset.

How would i check that file is there? Also the connection to wifi is no longer listed and I can’t find how to connect.


I will personally pay anyone who can help me get operational with this thing $150. I just want to enjoy my remuxes in peace without an advanced degree in linux. Anyone with a working setup and ability to walk me through it on discord or whatever else take my money.

Does anyone get the odd CE freeze screen issue? (latest stable release)

I find I have to reboot the box, Its rare so not really an issue. I use a remote plug so can remote on and off it to reboot it due to wiring management under the desk.

Start over, and follow the guide closely. The reddit guide lays out everything step by step; or you can use the guide here.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Help, support CPM build

Always had DV working on my Am6b pluses after copying the dovi.ko file to the root directory of the USB (/flash). On the X4Q Extra though I had to also copy the dovi.ko file to the /storage folder and reboot before DV worked.

Maybe you have to do the same.

Also checking where the file is located is easy. You can either use putty for command line interface or log in with a software such as WinSCP which has a file explorer type interface.

WiFi I don’t know what would be the cause of that. I use wired anyway for stability.

Anybody else started to get stuttering in vc1 playback with latest nightlies and 21.2?

Remuxes have significantly higher bitrate than rips. The issue could be with the HDD or the controller in the HDD case you have. I would recommend getting a USB 3.0 casing instead, just to be sure. You can’t always depend on cache to help you out if the disk itself is having issues transferring the file at proper speeds. If the drive is 5400 rpm and in a cheap USB 2.0 case, you could get transfer speeds well below the rate of movie bitrate.

Not sure if anybody else this issue. Sometimes when I play 1080p AVC files I get no signal on the tv and no matter what I do I cant get back into coreelec unless I plug power cable out and in. After reboot, I play same avc and it works fine. Very strange and it only happens with avc files.

Edit: latest nightlie