Slow down of

The “AMSTREAM_EXT_GET_CURRENT_VIDEOFRAME failed.” message only comes up, when you start a movie. Until that point I didn’t have any message about GE2D either.

Regardless, it does not work. The picture freezes after a while.

We identified an issue, and working on fixing it, hopefully it’ll fix GE2D.


Error show on movie playback cause it tries use amlogic grabber, first ge2d if cant find use amvidecocap. That way we still see slowdowns. On kodi menu hyperion use framegrabber.

Thanks for trying to get this to work. To everyone involved!

Any news or progress on getting GE2D fixed? :slight_smile:

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Just in case: there is no need to have any hardware, setting “device” to “/dev/null” in the hyperion.config.json is enough to reproduce the lags. If you willing to try, i could provide a full config file for testing.

Is anything happening with this? I was getting all excited that a solution was on the horizon …


@TheCoolest, Thanks for your efforts on working with the fix. Nevertheless, could you please share the status of the fix? I guess not only me who is very interested.

Sorry, I don’t have any news on this. I don’t think what we tried helped at all.
Sadly it’s still an open issue.

It’s a pity to hear it, especially taking into account problems with the external grabbers :frowning:

Was this issue the “iocompat fixup” mentioned here?

I don’t use Hyperion, I think it’s best if @danielfmo answers that.

Yes it is.

I don’t have some free personal time to address this for a while now.

LE/CE build system makes kernel debugging very time consuming and at the moment time is something that I don’t have .

I can help someone taking this matter in hands.

@danielfmo I would like to help but don’t have the competence :frowning: BTW, Isn’t this “iocompat fixup” a known fix to be simply merged?

We merged it, but it didn’t fix the problem, as far as I’m aware at least.

Hyperion Service has not been build for 8.95.2, so you run the old Plugin Version. Now some of the Python libs we’re updated and Hyperion binary cant start anymore because that Python lib is now missing. I fixed it locally by copying the new lib to the name of the old lib.

Maybe it’s possible to fix at least external grabbers work, please? I provided logs in this topic a month and a half ago, but no comments followed :disappointed_relieved:

Can someone please explain what is known about the actual root cause of the problem and what steps would be needed to fix this?
I feel we are so close. The feature is working fine but only has stability problems. I guess, beside me there are people who would be ready to donate the work if it moved forward the fix.

I’ve installed hyperion,ng from the CE repository, but I want to test-run it for slow-down issue before I invest into LEDs,
web-interface at :8090 says that Hyperion is ON. Is it enough? I’ve also changed the grabber to amgrabber.
BTW, I experience no slow downs, at least for now