Support added for S905X2, S922X and A311D!

Thank you. I tried your files and does not work.

I did follow step by step the guide and created the 2 files and put them where appropiate in CE. But at no avail.
Thank you

The only remote that works is my old trusty MCE with Usb dongle.

Please open a thread under the remotes subforum and someone will help you, announcements is not a Q&A place for support related questions.

I have a t95q and my remote looks exactly the same. Not sure if my configuration file will work for your friend, but you can give it a try. If you scroll up, I have posted it earlier. Your friend still needs to ssh into box and create the file.

Sorry for this. My bad.

Installed nightly dated 24/07/2019 on my H96 Max X2 (S905X2 , 4g/32g) using g12a_s905x2_4g.dtb.

Boot: OK
Ethernet: NO
Audio: OK
Remote: NO
Playback: Mostly OK


WiFi chip J6330 is in H96 Max X2 (analog AP6330, MIMO 1x1),
I need wifi. Can the firmware for this wifi chip be included in the next update?

I just got an automatic update to today’s nightly build. I can confirm 4K videos work now on T95Q.

I have also tried H96 Max X2 (S905X2 , 4g/32g) using g12a_s905x2_4g.dtb
I cannot get past Black screen on boot.
I have used Rufus to load CoreELEC-Amlogic.arm-9.0.3-Generic.img
I press in button in audio socket and turn on power with USB/SD in either of the 2 USB ports
and release button but nothing happens .
Any clues please?


I think this is the image you should be loading for s905x2, CoreELEC-Amlogic-ng.arm-9.1-nightly_20190725

Thanks Billv
There are 3 files all have slightly diff names
I will try the generic one.

Everything works well on that device? I’m thinking about buying one for CE.

H96 Max X2 (S905X2 , 4g/32g) using g12a_s905x2_4g.dtb
Working locally with the generic nightly from my link above. Thanks billv.

Couple of things not quite right for me yet…

  1. No network or wifi. Same as TNS above.
  2. No remote working. Still to try as per an earlier post “if” for same unit., (usb wireless keyboard is working)
  3. Power and off LED reversed (Red on, Blue Off)

Played some files from a local USB HD. Smooth as, sound good. Set channels to 2.0, pass thru on, my Denon decodes the stream faultlessly to multichannel from what I played so far.

Try to use g12a_s905x2_4g_1gbit.dtb

If the above suggestion doesn’t work, please post the Android DTB so that we can take a look.

@TheCoolest One question do you have the vfd.conf of tx95x2?

Do you mean “T95 X2”?
Try this one:
t95x2-s905x2-vfd.conf (1.4 KB)

nothing, it doesn’t work and if I mean t95x2. I’m going to get the dtb.img and a capture of the terminal. And I upload it.

Please post dmesg | paste output from CE.
There’s a DTB tweak required to make it work, perhaps we didn’t push it.

Here you have:

Thanks. Run the following commands and see if it starts working, if not, post dmesg again like above.

mount -o remount,rw /flash
fdtput /flash/dtb.img /soc/cbus@ffd00000/i2c@1f000 status disabled