First post here and I am looking for some clues to my problem.
I have been a long time user of OpenElec / LibreElec in many hardwares along the years. Currently I use a trusty Raspberry Pi 2 with LibreElec for my needs.
As the RPi2 has many limitations nowadays I decided to buy a Tanix TX92 and use it with CoreElec 9.
The problem that I am having is that it is completely unstable, Kodi crashes and restarts frequently and most of the times it even reboots completely itself entering into the safe mode.
Crash log: http://ix.io/1LNe
Additional details:
- Model: TX92-LP with GB DDR3 + 32GB from this seller https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32962993995.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dXcvvVM
- CoreElec: CoreELEC-Amlogic.arm-9.0.2-Generic.img.gz
- Device tree used: gxm_q201_3g_1gbit.dtb
- All Kodi addons were installed manually from the repositories, I have only copied one-by-one the settings.xml from addon_data folder and the advancedsettings.xml from my RPi2 / LibreElec as I use MySQL in the unRaid server.
- I used another PSU with 4A instead of the original 2A as I read in some posts that the original PSU can be the cause of similar problems.
- The Android part of it works fine, no reboots.
Any help is highly appreciated.