Tanix TX92 - Unstable and random reboot


First post here and I am looking for some clues to my problem.

I have been a long time user of OpenElec / LibreElec in many hardwares along the years. Currently I use a trusty Raspberry Pi 2 with LibreElec for my needs.

As the RPi2 has many limitations nowadays I decided to buy a Tanix TX92 and use it with CoreElec 9.

The problem that I am having is that it is completely unstable, Kodi crashes and restarts frequently and most of the times it even reboots completely itself entering into the safe mode.

Crash log: http://ix.io/1LNe

Additional details:

  • Model: TX92-LP with GB DDR3 + 32GB from this seller https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32962993995.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dXcvvVM
  • CoreElec: CoreELEC-Amlogic.arm-9.0.2-Generic.img.gz
  • Device tree used: gxm_q201_3g_1gbit.dtb
  • All Kodi addons were installed manually from the repositories, I have only copied one-by-one the settings.xml from addon_data folder and the advancedsettings.xml from my RPi2 / LibreElec as I use MySQL in the unRaid server.
  • I used another PSU with 4A instead of the original 2A as I read in some posts that the original PSU can be the cause of similar problems.
  • The Android part of it works fine, no reboots.

Any help is highly appreciated.

If you have unstable kodi than you can try nightly build.
If it doesn’t solve your issue, than add crash report for nightly build too.

Make sure you are using the dtb that comes with coreelec and not one you copied eg from libreelec.

Otherwise Try different dtb. I have an almost identical box as you Vorke z6 plus, and even though you are using the recommended dtb, i use the one suggested for vorke z6 (not plus). Try that

hey bro.I have also Vorke Z6 (not plus) Which dtb file to use?Sorry for newbiness,but I just want netflix hd because I pay for ultrahd supscription.Any guide link would be highly appreciated.Thank you.