Tencent Aurora5X How to boot from USB

I haven’t joined the group chat yet. I’ll try it later.

Non official one as only Chinese firmware does exists. But we can’t help here, ask Tencent.

I am using Aurora5X and all u have to do is update the firmware to newest version then plug in usb drive(with coreelec installed) and reboot.

And remember use the correct dtb file.

Now that I’ve restored my device it looks like he’s trying to boot from USB but for some reason he’s rebooting over and over again while trying to boot from USB shi I’ve tried using the 21.1.1-Generic image several times and I’m going to try the Nighly nightly build in a few minutes and what version of Aurora UI do you have?

Thanks for your concern. Also, I don’t need to rely heavily on CoreELEC for a while, so it should be okay to leave it unspecified for the time being (right?) But I did specify it :thinking:.

You can try using a third-party desktop and then accessing a keyboard and mouse You can change the settings on Android Thankfully, Tencent hasn’t neutered the settings and Tencent’s settings (actually, Skyworth’s settings) are also provided by Tencent Find the Settings button at "关于本机”(Device Info) you’ll find the “安卓原生设置”(Android Settings) button, and you’ll be able to compare it word by word, and at “设备偏好设置”(Device Preferences) you’ll find “语言”(Language).You can see English(US)

I’m using a third party desktop, Lawnchair.
But it seems to have some problems, so I changed the dpi and used “wm density 240” to change it. Also, Tencent doesn’t allow third party desktops, so I had to manually start and restart to change the dpi manually.

21.1.1 is running fine.

@Portisch @vpeter Tencent Aurora5X can directly boot ce now. The official has modified the latest firmware bootloader environment .

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