Ugoos AM6 B plus - no audio passthrough option

You can but CE 19.4, not 9.2.8.

@boot2k3 Thank you, and how do I do? Should I put it on a micro SD card? I download this file g12b_s922x_ugoos_am6 on 19.4 matrix is that it?

Yes, that’ll do.
Alternatively Ugoos provide their own dual-boot image, but I am not sure how well it works with CE updates. Also the partitioning seems a bit odd. BTW, AM6 supports UHS-II so make sure you get a fast enough SD card.
I am quite pleased with this device.

@maha ok thank you for answering, so i go to download i choose the ugoos am6 image, i flash it on a micro sd with rufus or etcher, i go to devices trees, i choose the dtb g12b_s922x_ugoos_am6 and rename it to dtb.img That’s right ?
No need to go to github
download this file CoreELEC-Amlogic-ng.arm-19.4-Matrix-Generic.img.gz
or this one CoreELEC-Amlogic-ng.arm-19.4-Matrix.tar? Because in the user guide there is a link that refers to github?
I discover coreelec and I don’t want to make any mistakes thank you :+1:

Installing CoreELEC: step by step walk through

@Betatester Great thank you very much :ok_hand: