Todays update for AM8 Pro, CoreELEC-Amlogic-ne.aarch64-22.0-Piers_nightly_20240919-Generic.img - made the box freeze, not entering CE setup addon…not rebooting, not powering down, had to phisically cut electric power to stop. Several times in a row. Reinstalled back the CoreELEC-Amlogic-ne.aarch64-22.0-Piers_nightly_20240918-Generic.img, and all is well again.
Please try also NO build.
No issue here with NE build (NO build was tested on Tencent 5X yesterday).
CoreELEC (official): 22.0-Piers_nightly_20240919 (Amlogic-ne.aarch64)
Machine model: Ugoos AM8
CoreELEC dt-id: s5_s928x_ugoos_am8_4g
Amlogic dt-id: s5_s928x_AM8-4g
Linux version: 5.4.210 (docker@74e8ad398b18) #1 Thu Sep 19 02:40:28 IDT 2024
Kodi compiled: 2024-09-19 02:09:46 +0200
CoreELEC:~ #
Thanks for the assist. So, are both versions usable? NE and NO? What are the differences, only the kernel? So, am8 pro can go with 5.15.78?
Is DoVi working like the NE?
Should I perform a clean toothpick installation, and if YES, what dovi.ko, same as NE kernel?
Will give it a try and report back. Cheers.
I read that with CE-NO build Dolby Vision is not yet working because of the fact of a missing DV kernel module for kernel 5.15…
Plus Ugoos S928X-J/AM8 Pro is not listed as compatible, only AM6B… and AM7. So, no go yet.
Good day,
Will there also be a dual boot with CE for the am8 pro?
Thanks in advance
Until then, with all playbacks (mkv, 1080p, 2160p) there’s lipsync problems. Every single time.
Later edit: the audio offset can be edited in playback options, and there is another menu option enabling extending the audio offset for ALL FILES played back. I only wish the offset INCREMENTS cound be setup smaller, not 0.025s, 25 miliseconds, BUT 5ms (0,005s). Maybe later in time…
LATER EDIT - No more (or much less) lipsync problems after I switched from CE22 to CE21. All well now with CoreELEC-Amlogic-ne.aarch64-21.1.1-Omega_nightly_20241115-Generic.img.
A post was merged into an existing topic: Nightly builds (NEW)
A post was merged into an existing topic: Nightly builds (NEW)
One issue is that after turning ON Ugoos AM8 Plus (on CE-NE 21 latest nightly) cannot turn OFF by IR button, it is not detected anymore. Only from inside the Ce power menu. It would be very nice to maintain the IR sensor function.
Is there any CE version where BLUETOOTH works on AM8?
In CE-ne.aarch64-21.1.1-Omega … 20250106, the Status LED lights up green during operation and turns red after switching off. Perfect.
In CE-no.aarch64-22.0-Piers … 20250108, the status LED takes a short blink red but then lights up green during operation and also Green after switching off.
How can i take the LED Red after switch off?
Thanks in advanced