[VIM3L] SD Card boot + USB storage

Ah, thanks… I am not own any “junk”, btw… I just care about things, and my precautions was beneficiall multiple times in my life…

Yes, I could doesnt care of it at all and take out-of-box functionality without any effort and spent time, and propably be fine with it for some years - even many maybe, (and I understand you prefer eMMC way in VIM case), but the device has SD slot + USB so I think this would be good to have explained other way and offered this to the users as well, and have minimize even risks, which others could considered as very small. ( example on my USB HDD setups I am used to have /storage partition on USB HDD, and it works very well).

I will try to look around the topic of Khadas VIM3 and booting, when I will have free time to spare, good to know that there is some safe net for errors… Still better avoid them :slight_smile:

Information about cfgload is crucial for me, thanks. Its a pity, as on Rpi/Odroid platforms there are no problem with booting parameters, I didnt expect hickup here. Well, hopefully VIM platform will be last to learn for a long time :slight_smile:

Anyway, if the default parameters are choosed by label (STORAGE), it should work well when I use that partition on SD Card, right? Although I usually need rootwait for USB stick, and that would be problem if I cant add custom boot param :frowning: Is that really the case of CE@VIM3, so we cant modify those parameters at all?

Following question would be: hyphotetically, if we will have whatever OS on VIM3L, booting CE from SD Card prepared correct/official CE way. Updates will be without problem, or we need say somewhere from which device is booted to the CE ((ce_in_emmc=0 etc.)?

For future references:
Creating CoreELEC Booting medium for Khadas VIM
VIM Boot Upgrade Mode
Flashing images to the eMMC

Rollback - reflashing CE into eMMC

There is contradiction between two pages though, so I understand your Android recommendation…

– Keys method without Android, with CE on eMMC? It shouldnt be possible according #1 #2… But not sure about CE latest, maybe it supports it? #1 #2 are older, not sure if valid for kernel > 3.14.
– If boot change method needs to be done just once, what it actually does? Ie. whats the way to revert boot back from eMMC? Is there some boot order through devices or…
– CE updates on CE running from external media instead eMMC?
– figure out booting parameters to assign /storage to partition on USB(SD) device (is label enough?). The same for roowait boot parameter. Why is boot.ini / config.ini missing??
– is there any drawbacks using external media instead eMMC in terms of functionality? Or is it exactly same.