When starting the deco starts a countdown of 60 seconds

Al encender el deco me sale una leyenda en la parte superior izquierda que hace una cuenta atrás de 60 segundos muy molesta. ¿ Hay alguna manera de quitarla‽

When turning on the deco I get a legend in the upper left that makes a countdown of 60 seconds very annoying. Is there any way to remove it‽

… update It yo resume normal startup.
Startup in 60 sec

Choose a supported dtb to your box from the device_trees folder and copy it to the root and rename it to dtb.img.

Ese no es el problema me funciona correctamente solo que cuenta esos 60 segundos de cuenta atrás. El dts está ok.

That’s not the problem, it works properly for me just that it counts those 60 seconds of countdown. The dts is fine.

Your dtb may work but you are not using an official one, the fix is simple, update your dtb.

El dts era uno oficial pero de la versión 9,0.2 en lugar de la 9.0.3 ¿ Puede ser por eso?
¿Son distintos los dtb en cada versión?

The dts was an official one but from version 9.0.2 instead of 9.0.3 Could it be because of that?
Are the dtb different in each version?

Why would you use an incompatible DTB? Each image/release has updated DTBs for a reason. Use the DTB for your box from the latest version.
When you update CE, an official DTB will be updated automatically. If it wasn’t updated when you upgraded to 9.0.3, you were using the wrong DTB with 9.0.2 as well.

Please SSH to your device and type cat /proc/device-tree/le-dt-id and paste the result here, thanks.

Gracias tenías razón he vuelto instalar con el dtb del 9.0.3 y todo correcto.

Thank you were right I have reinstalled with the dtb of 9.0.3 and everything is correct.

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