3D Frame Packed (MVC) output with CoreELEC?

Thanks You don’t mind reuploading it i deleted it by accident.

I have downloaded it from @rho-bot link. I see your comment and gracias to him, so you have downloaded it too. Or not?

That was 19 5, so all along it was 21 ce that was working with better colours


Thanks I’m such a noob @rho-bot send it to me but didn’t check properly. Much appreciated to you both.

@xmlcom Iso play now?

Yes @ragico thanks for your help. Much appreciated

Next test image, I get now 3D playback on ask or preferred method.
ISO do play by select title but not by by select bd menu.
Not sure what is the defect here.


Excellent job @Portisch . All my tests were ok.
Just one last request: Do you think. It will be possible to play iso selecting “Play main movie” in player settings? This to avoid the show simplified menu.
You and your team have accomplished a miracle.
Thanks so much.

I think this more a extra feature request for bluray/DVD at all. So you might request this at TK directly.

Thanks @Portisch . By the way in CE your version 9.2.8 posted here “Play main movie” works in 3D iso without problem. Who is TK?

TK = Team Kodi

Thanks @rho-bot Very kind of you.

Thanks @Portisch. Great job as always. However it fails stress tests on high bitrate BD3D’s i.e Eternals 2021,Black panther etc when chapter skipping.
@ragico is right , your 9.2.8 has perfect performance including “play main movie”-This I think is key to the last hurdle as it ultimate stress test. Do you have a high rate BD3D’S you can test?
Thank you once again.

This new version is little bit better than the last one was regarding selection of preferred view mode.
The last version was better in the OSD. Kodi HUD during playback was 3D, now it is off, the right eye is a purple hue mess.
When playing 3D full MVC the right eye has a purple HALO on both version.
ISO freezing is not happening for me because my network has enough bandwidth. In normal 2D playback mode a film starts buffering when the bandwidth is low, either from USB pen-drive or from the ethernet side. In 3D MVC playback the player is not buffering to continue when data is available but the decode freezing instantly in buffer run empty case.

I have no idea what you talk about. You need to show and describe “your issue” in more detail.

My description is correct. I will make some pictures later to show what I’m talking about.

Hi all,

I also tested the latest version (updated from latest nightly) on my LG E6 and an Ugoos AM6B+.

It handled everything MVC without issues as far as I can see.

Two things I noticed: HSBS and HTAB (so not MVC) still work fine and still break the interface when returning to non-3D Mode in Kodi. I think, this is known and is also the case in the normal CE21 nightly. Secondly, FSBS (tested with the Kodi mkv FSBS samples from the Kodi Samples page) does not work anymore at all. It worked in the CE21 nightly and my assumption is, that it’s because of the resolution being fixed to 1080p in the mvc dev-build? Since FSBS wants to output 3840 x 1080 and I can’t change this setting in Kodi (maybe on purpose), it doesn’t work, flickers a lot and requires a reboot. Same if I try to change the resolution in Kodi beforehand. As I said, maybe this is on purpose for this testing build and can therefore be ignored, just wanted to mention it in case it was not on purpose :-).

@TK and Portisch: Marvellous Job! You gave us people holding onto our old 3D-gear something we are very much looking forward to!


Play ISO by select the menu should now work again.

EDIT: now it looks like play ISO main title is broken…

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I do not see any FSBS, only HSBS on Kodi sample page.