3D MVC support for CoreELEC

I have been a software engineer for 25 years, mostly low-level C code. I am more specialized in security. Most recently I worked on firmware. None of it had anything to do with video.

I happen to own a 3D TV, a Sharp LC-60LE835U. I’m willing to invest some cycles into helping with the 3D MVC support, if other developers can point me in the right direction of where to start. Is the issue that there is no code written yet at all, or that it is buggy code that needs to be fixed ? I’m more likely to be able to help with the later than the former.

This will never be implemented in CoreELEC as it would require much changes and may introduce other side effects. Also Home Cinema 3D is official confirmed as “dead”.

It’s also bad to me as I own a 3D capable TV myself. And I own 1 3D BluRay :wink:

I pushed last status for you on my private repo. Feel free to use it and rework it as it’s surely outdated.

Please read also this thread:

I requested osmc patches last year for kodi and Sam provided them. Linux changes I puzzled from a huge tar.gz dump. It did work partly but Sam (from OSMC) said it was still work in progress. I just checked and unfortunately OSMC still hasn’t released all required patches for Kodi and linux 4.9.
I don’t have a 3D TV and a handful of users made some tests and it was inconclusive. Some worked others didn’t. I lost interest.

If you wanna work on that be my guest. I would suggest requesting a fresh batch of patches for 3D for Linux and Kodi from Sam. If you manage to do it please send a PR.

Any chance for new test versions now that Vero 4K version is finished

I wouldn’t hold my breath, the Open Source part of OSMC seems to be in name only. They should change it to CSMC.

Yes, because OSMC is now “secureOSMC” what mean closed source and not open source anymore it would never be finished.

So I think because of this reason we can close the feature request, thank you!

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: 3D Frame Packed (MVC) output with CoreELEC?