9.2.1 Discussion

Great news :slight_smile:

Hi all, currently trying 9.2.1 on a ā€œT95Z Plusā€ S912 box via USB. Only problem thus far is lack of IR Remote function (originally thought I had 2 problems but lack of Surround sound via HDMI turned out to me plugging cable into TV not Surround receiver). I run a couple boxes sharing media off network drives and the net, and 9.2.1 is performing flawlessly (excepting Ir Remote). Now I will load to internal once I work out how; Iā€™ll keep you posted. Thanks for all the hard work!

Is it easy to install PiHole on CoreElec installation?

@kostaman Your and @teamelec no response I understand like there is zero interest to fix wifi issues or track it deeper as there is probably solution already, right? :confused:

Itā€™s not a case of CE team has no interest in trying to identify your issue, but there are many issues appearing day by day on this forum and yours is not in itā€™s own topic.
I had to go back and see what your issue was when you made this post.
I read around 50 posts a day and i canā€™t rememember every individuals problem.

Seeing you have a problem using stable and nightlies you should open a topic regarding your problem so as it doesnā€™t get lost in amongst the posts in this discussion.

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Ok, will create separate topic, thanks :slight_smile:
Btw. as you asked here for logs and responded to my issue, I stayed to post here without dividing conversation to other topic/thread to confusing you. And if I remember well, I wasnā€™t able to create new topic as my account had no history (fresh account few seconds old) where I was able to post to an existing topic only :innocent:

The release notes mention Khadas VIM3L Users should not install this version and a seperate version will be made available.
Is there any news on when this will come available or are we supposed to just run a nightly build?

Nightlies are working for the Vim3L.
The CE Stable 9.2.1 is not compatible as the Vim3L was released after the 9.2.1 with a rushed version of CE to get it out to the market.

I know nightlies are working, but there was is a liner saying a separate release coming for the Vim3L.
But so far there is only the nightlies, no stable/release.

Nightlies are far ahead of 9.2.1 now with a newer and better kernel and with the pause bug fixed, the plans to do 9.2.1 for VIM3L was abandoned and updates for this device will resume as normal with 9.2.2.

Alright. That makes sense.
Is there a specific nightly that is stable enough to recommend for daily use?

Version is irrelevant with nightlies because they always update to the latest hence the name.

I didnā€™t mean version, but date. I can imagine a nightly build might not be stable enough because there is too much test code in it.

Yes. You can install the docker addon in Kodi, and then pull and run the pihole docker.
Thatā€™s what I use on one of my devices. But it requires the 4.9 kernel, so you can use -ng builds or the GXL funhouse builds if you have a compatible device.

Iā€™ve got an X96 mini with coreELEC installed successfully but no ssh access.
Iā€™ve tried turning the ssh option on and off, with and without password etc.
Scanning the X96ā€™s ports, all kodi-relevant ports are open, just not port 22.

I should mention that this is my 2nd X96 mini, with the first having ssh working from a couple of versions ago, upgraded to 9.2.1 without issues and SSH kept working properly, and Iā€™ve got a fake MXQ pro 4K thatā€™s the same in regards to the upgrade, SSH access etc.

I donā€™t think Iā€™m doing anything wrong as installation is pretty straightforward and everything else that I use works great.
Any ideas?

Check Subnet Mask in CE Addon Connections.
It should be
If it is that is not the issue.
you will have to do a Hard Reset in CoreELEC settings addon.
You then enable SSH in the Wizard Setup .
Should work.

Just finished mapping keys etc for remote on my Ugoos AM6 (first time Iā€™ve done it). Hope to get to my ā€œT95Z Plusā€ next. I tried to avoid following the mapping via SSH; but now that Iā€™ve done it I wonder why I waited. Just take your time and read the notes. Let us know how you go.

Kodi 18.6 is out, will a v9.2.2 be released using that?

Kodi 18.6 will be in tomorrow nightly build.
After testing and some time it will be in next stable release.
And please donā€™t ask about date.