
This folder contains loads of different files. Should I delete all of them?
Using the File Manager I could find no way to rename a file.

just delete or rename the my video.db file

As I have said I use coreftp lite to access my box.

Hi there.
Since have been having wifi issues where it will lose the connection and sometimes not connect at all. On the previous version is was solid as a rock. Its a s905x device with a edup usb wifi adapter rtl8811 chipset.

Hello al922x dont working in alsa s32_le. Sad

Your alternator doesn’t work? (AL922X)
Explain your problem coherently and post relevant logs. Your sad emotions don’t help us diagnose potential issues.


Hi experts,

I’m running CoreELEC on a MeCool KII Pro S905 box. Until the new version everything was fine and all playbacks, including TV streams were running smoothly.

But since the new update on the playback is very jerky now. Does anybody know what the issue is and how to solve it? Otherwise I need to switch back to the previous version, as watching like this is annoying after a while.

Thank you!

Welcome on your first post.
Please have a read HERE how to post logs

Hi kostaman,

thank you for your message. The log-url is: http://ix.io/2BmS


Hi again,

I don’t know what it is, but anything must have been changed in the latest version, that my playback is not wroking smooth anymore, even the settings stayed the same. When I turn back to the previous version, everything works fine again.
Any ideas?

Thank you & best regards,

His logs are just 1 post up.
He waited 3 days, and then did a bump. That’s not unreasonable.

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Ah, thx. Then I missed it, can’t check everything in detail every time. Thank you for your hint!

I checked your log and see nothing what could cause the issue - just that your hardware is gxb, S905.
Please try a fresh clean install on another boot media with only the really need addons. There were no “big” updates on the Amlogic (GXB/GXL/GXM) project since a long time.

I am very sorry that the developers forgot about the owners of these boxes.

What do you expect? Software development moves forward as hardware does. My second box is a S905X and it works fine, doesn’t need updating. New devices get updates, welcome to the real world. Especially considering the low price of the new hardware…

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A world of disposable items?

That’s the way it is

Features expand to use new hardwares capabilities, old hardware chokes on those hardware pushing software features and becomes redundant. This is the way it has always been in computing.
Many old boxes can be repurposed as servers


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This is sad, the characteristics of the box completely suit me.

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