Amlogic-no Discussion

Reading your requirements that will be enough .
I am going to stick with my 905x3 and 922x for a while more.

No on N2+ is fine but I can confirm the jerkyness issue.

They will do very well.

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I’m looking for a specific model recommendation. right now I have the Vontar X3 but it has the 0x4339 chip so I no won’t work on it

The only one that I know of that wifi and ethernet work on no is the X96 Max+ X3
All the other X3’s that I have either have wifi or ethernet issues

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A cheap external USB wifi dongle will give infinitely better performance than the crap build into these boxes. I am using an old USB dongle with no issues. If its supported natively under the Linux kernel then it will simply work.
This is the real problem with these cheap boxes - they use cheap unsupported components and they tend to burn themselves out because they cheap out on the cooling.

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If you can find one.

Iam using Tanix Tx5 Plus Deluxe
Amlogic S905X3 4/32

Works on all versions/ kernels CoreELEC

Yes NO working fine!!!

Best of all boxes i have
Because Dual Boot option on internal.

I nominated this Box in the Thread

Best Device for CoreELEC 2022/2023

Happy Testing

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In Tox3 s905x4 "CoreELEC-Amlogic-ne.aarch64-21.0-Omega_rc1” which plays VC1 great and smoothly and suspend mode works great with soundbar AVR q990c normally.

The “CoreELEC-Amlogic-no.aarch64-21.0-Omega_nightly” version is nice, but VC1 not play and suspend mode with AVR doesn’t seem to be playing normally. Not returning if I shutdown the TV.

On te last version CoreELEC-Amlogic-no.aarch64-21.0-Omega_nightly_20240322-Generic.img.gz

Now suspend mode work great with tox 3 s905x4, Only VC-1 that still doesn’t work, but it is an outdated codec.

Again about my problem with X2 boxes (no boot with Android)

I have an older NO nightly for testing (CoreELEC-Amlogic-no.aarch64-21.0-Omega_nightly_20231222-Generic.img)
Version installed on SD card, this version works!

When I update to the latest Nightly version it doesn’t work

It seems to be due to the dtb.img (g12a_s905x2_2g.dtb)

The version from 20231222 works, the latest one doesn’t

Could you compare the two versions, that must be where the problem lies

g12a_s905x2_2g old.dtb (version 20231222) works
g12a_s905x2_2g new.dtb (version 20240308) does not work
g12a_s905x2_2g new.dtb (65.2 KB)
g12a_s905x2_2g old.dtb (66.0 KB)

This is a complete different kernel version. You will need to provide dmesg or UART log.

What exactly is the issue?

When I boot with SD card, I can no longer boot Android (entry in Power Options is missing)
Apparently Coreelec no longer recognizes the Android partition
But with NG and the older (20231222) NO nightly version it works perfectly

I tried this with 2 different X2 boxes and with a Y2 box

@oastra please update with this test image and make a dmesg | paste afterwards:

Is there anything else I can do to help you isolate this problem?

Please test again with this image: 292.9 MB file on MEGA

Please boot from ”SD or USB and not eMMC if possible to avoid problems.
Please make a dmesg | paste again after update.

With this update its works
I can boot Android and ceemmc works

I would like to compile a kernel module for the NO Kernel. Is it possible to get access to the Repository or at least to the kernel headers ?

The module I need is: