Amlogic-no Discussion

Thank you @Portisch for this information. That’s a pity, because all my TBS cards will not work in this case. I guess I have to wait for the kernel sources to be published and then I can compile my own TBS module add-on.

You can try it out on 5.4 kernel what is already public, it’s same.
You will not have luck compiling cracycat for > 4.9 like for 5.4 :wink:

Thank you, @Portisch . I will give it a try using kernel 5.4. Again, I highly appreciate your effort.

My remote works faultlessly with NO.
With NG its key press timing and presses often plays up.
Is it the same general remote file in both version’s?
If not can I use NO remote file in NG and where is it hidden?
This one is an X96max+ using windows remote.
I don’t have to modify or add any keys on remote, it just works from the install.
Thanks BAz

I uploaded a new nightly of Amlogic-no.
Some errors reported here are fixed:

  • fix vim1s fb mem
  • fixed SDIO on sm1
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Just tested the new nightly from today on my Tanix TX3 (S905X3/SM1).
Booting after resizing is still very unreliable. I often get the ‘error in mount_storage’ message. (Could not mount LABEL=STORAGE). Tested with a fresh installed image on a 512 GB USB Stick and on a 64 GB SD-card. Sometimes it takes very long to get the Kodi GUI (often no CE boot splash visible).

Image was burned with BalenaEtcher

Try 32gb card. Maybe 64gb isn’t yet working in Amlogic-no

Thank you Portisch!

The latest nightly fixed the video playback issues I was having on my VIM1S.

same result. Sometimes it boots, sometimes not

If there is anything plugged into the USB ports of the device, remove them

I tried running no on this box:

Unfortunately, it does not start, it hangs on the logo screen.

It’s a cheap chinese box with a s905w2 processor.

5580 has the same sat and terrestrial tuners and demod as 5520SE which is already supported in CE 5.4 kernel, so it is quite trivial to add support for 5580.

Does this mean it will be in the next nightly of CE-no? If yes, how can I add the firmware.
Thank you so much, @smp . This will help me in debugging softhdodroid for VDR in chroot without setting up minisatip.

I don’t know when this will be merged.
The firmware is already present in the image, from dvb-firmware package.

Thank you for letting me know, @smp . Maybe @Portisch can merge it for one of the next nightlies.

I have the same problem with CE-no on my Radxa2 as @DocStrange. Very often, KODI CE-no does not start, tries to restart several time and starts in safe mode finally.
Up to now there are no add-ons installed.

Log file is attached.

kodi.log (46.4 KB)

Kernel output is:
kernel_out.txt (22.5 KB)

Kodi also says it will save a crashlog under a certain name, however, only above Kodi.log is available. Hope this helps.

I uploaded a new nightly of Amlogic-no.
Some errors reported here are fixed:

  • bump linux to rtl8189fs
  • adjust linux config for rtl8189fs
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you should have shared /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi_crashlog_20231223132242.log

I know, @Portisch. However, as I wrote this file does not exist.
There is only Kodi.log. For this reason I also attached journalctl -f.