Amlogic S905X3, S905Y3, S905D3 thread

I would suggest buying a device from one of our supporters as we work closely with these manufacturers and have a large range of hardware from them to test on for maximum compatibility.

I’ve got the X96 Air, went for the 4GB+32GB+2.4G&5GHz Dual Wifi+BT4.1+1000M variant, I couldn’t resist at $27 especially when they updated it to have gigabit network (I get 65mb/s transfer with android over lan). It seems to work well on Android but I can’t wait for that sweet sweet Coreelec.It also arrived in 5 days which is mad from China to the UK, I don’t think I’ve ever had something that quick. I know some people are against the generic devices, but I have at least 5 of my own (S805, S905X, S905W, S912) and have setup at least another 5 (s905x/s905w) boxes for friends and family and honestly never had any issues.

Will this support the direct dual boot without needing a micro sd card like the s905x2 boxes do.

Can somebody with one of these devices (S905X3) please install terminal emulator and do cat /proc/device-tree/amlogic-dt-id and paste the output, thanks.

Night test this

X96 max plus 4g+32g box:
cat /proc/device-tree/amlogic-dt-id

Magicsee N5 PLUS output:

Beelink GT1-mini2:

X96air 2gb

Bqeel Y8 PRO【4GB+32GB】100bps LAN


There are several brands for X96.
Which one?

Yes, I got this one, it’s $30.49 now for the 4gb + 32gb or $34.49 for the 4GB + 64GB (the 2gb + 16gb is only $24.49 but I don’t think it’s worth it as you lose bluetooth, 5ghz wifi and gigabit ethernet).

It came in 5 days which is crazy, friends ordered them and got them within a week as well.

To answer @anon88919003 my X96 Air 4GB/32GB with Gigabit uses sm1_ac213_4g

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I just order by now for €30.
Shipping from Spain to Portugal so I think ill be super fast send :slight_smile:

S905X3 X96MAX+ 4/32 Gigabit LAN


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Is it worth it to wait for an update for s905x3 support?
Have been looking into getting a new box
got different suggestions across different forums like ugoos x2 cube but there’s x3 cube so should I go for that iinstead?

franklin:/ # cat /proc/device-tree/amlogic-dt-id

I want to buy this one:

Hi, do you think it will be possible to use CoreELEC with S905X3 ? Or there is no driver or a necessary missing element to get a working version ? Thank you !

The nightly builds are already compatible with it, but some features aren’t working correctly as of yet. PCM audio is one, HDR2SDR is another. I think some people have had issues with the LAN port as well, but I use WLAN and that’s fine.

Thank you mentasm ! So there is a hope to get a working version :wink:

Which box do you have?
I’ve X96 air 4/32gb 1gbit lan with last night build working OK