Amlogic S928X

I think they care about sales. I don’t have any figures, but I’m sure the AM6 is selling far more than the AM8.

Amlogic isn’t relying on Ugoos s922x sales to stay profitable. Ugoos is just one very small vendor in Amlogic’s long list of vendors (Xiaomi, Amazon, Google, TCL, Hisense, etc).

DV FEL may be a hot feature in the CE community, sadly the much larger market outside of CE doesn’t care much about it.

So for folks that are using and DV - if your file doesn’t have a fallback layer to HDR your colors will be broken, as the video feed that Hyperion sees isn’t a decoded properly DV so the colors are wrong. So the only workaround currently I found is to watch files that have not only DV but also an HDR fallback layer as then the TV displays the DV and gets the regular HDR image and the colors of the LEDs are proper then.

@Portisch is there a chance that you will look at this issue when you have spare time? Maybe its something minor to be changed.

But Ugoos and Minix are very interested in selling their TV boxes. So I think that the influence on Amlogic could have.

Maybe that’s the reason why FEL is not so interesting.

The reason why they write that it’s because they don’t support it, it really is the other way around.
Probably the path forward will be to have more MEL only Blu-rays but not right now.
In the end is a personal choice, if you are fine with the conversion there’s no real need for full FEL support.
The only thing that I can’t get is why some of the media player users are now disregarding FEL just because their favourite vendors are dropping it but still putting a huge price tag on a device with worse features.


The FEL expands brightness and add details in many cases:

And let’s not even mention R_volution (Zappiti), they run Dune firmware…

Dolby True HD now works.
Mad Max Fury Road now shows in the receiver Dolby Atmos.

Thank you for the great work.


However, it does not work when there are several multi-channel audio tracks to choose from. It will only play the one with 2 channels


The great team can do that too.

Hello, what is the UR02 remote HWDB file used for?

A post was split to a new topic: H96 Max M12, S928X

Tencent Aurora 5X ce is real TV LED STD?

I’ve just received an AM8 Pro, got it to enjoy 4K GUI as it wasn’t possible on the AM6 I already have.

Unfortunately I haven’t done my research properly and only just now realized that installing to emmc in dual boot mode is not possible.

Single boot seems to be possible (option 3 or 4 in the tool) but I am unsure if that would break DV support or any other repercusions as opposed to dual boot. I vaguely remember having read that CoreELEC needs the android partion for DV playback.

Could you shed some light on this issue for me?

edit: i read the ceemmc tool manual and understand the soc isn’t supported, just a bit confused as the tool still started and before pressing anything wanted to ask.

Is there any chance that at some point emmc instal or even dual boot will be supported or does it have some hard to overcome hurdle?

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Doesn’t already work? Only single boot is not possible. Or am I completely wrong.

This is as far as I dared to go.
As it says system not supported and it only gives the option for single install.
I just wanted to double check if its okay to use the tool with the AM8 Pro before trying to install it in single boot mode.

I really don’t care about having android on it, the device is only for coreelec.

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My mistake then.

So can I attempt to do the single boot install without breaking DV playback capability?
Or is it best to just stay away from this for now and continue using external media?

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I installed to eMMC and DoVi was working – well apart from the strange blinking I got from my DoViBaked profile 8.1 encodes. I didn’t test the original files IIRC.


I might give it a try tomorrow then :slight_smile:

Update: decided to keep running it off the usb thumb drive as the performance is satisfactory.