A very quick test (I’ll run with debug later this evening if I can).
The nr-1 image failed to initialize the CEC adapter. I then tried nr-2 and so far it has been 4 out of 4 successful reboots - some with TV already on and TV off.
I’ll stick with nr-2 for now - it looks good so far. Do you still want debug logs??
Here another test version n3!
It have added a hardcoded sleep of 30 seconds before the CEC adapter get initialized!
So please if nr 2 isn’t working try this test version!
"hardcode" default bootloader CEC setting to 0x3f
Do not touch received messages if address is not enabled.
Added hardcoded sleep of 30s before adapter initialize
nr 2 still working 100% for the S905x2 x96 max 4g/32g box here. One good change I also noticed is that when I power off the S905x2 box now, the HDMI source switches automatically to the TV source (before your change it did not do that).
One question - and AFAIK it has always been this way with this kernel - If I power off the TV with the TV remote, the CE box also powers off (good - controlled by CEC settings in CE). If I then power on the TV with the TV remote, the CE box also powers on - with older versions of CE and LE, powering on the TV had no effect on the CE box. If I wanted to turn on the CE box and TV, I would use the power on the CE remote.
I could not find a setting in CEC in CoreELEC to control this - am I missing something here? I would not expect the CE box to power on if I use the TV remote power button - I would expect just the TV to power on.
Thank you very much for your efforts @all. Unfortunately, on an Odroid N2 --> Marantz AVR --> Philips TV even with 30 seconds delay: Could not initialise…
Please enable debug log in Kodi & enable the libCEC component too for logging!
Restart your N2 and after the pop up appeared open a SSH connection and enter: cat /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log | paste
You will get a link to the uploaded debug log.
If you get problem with the pop up (Couldn't initialize the CEC adapter) shown in Kodi please use this debug image. This update image is only to get a CEC debug log.
After update wait until you have seen the pop up in Kodi. Open a SSH connection and enter:
dmesg | grep cectx | paste
and post the resulting http link and a small description about the hardware setup.
Like box (N2) & AVR yes/no & TV brand.
This log show a transfer (ping) of the box to the TV. But it fails after 3 unsuccessful attempt.
It fails by ARB_LOST. If no client (TV) is connected with node id 0x0 it should show a not acknowledge or an acknowledge if the TV is connected. But ARB_LOST shows a CEC bus problem.
@Portisch can your work on CEC be added to the Vim 3 builds? On my Panasonic tv I don’t get the CEC initialisation error but CEC doesn’t work as it should. When I change source to vim3 initially CEC doesn’t work but then normally after start playback it starts to work. If you would like me to test any build I would be happy to
You just can test the tar on all Amlogic-ng devices
But Panasonic is just strange and make problems everywhere with CEC.
There is some info around here in the forum, I guess it was: deactivate set to active source on kodi start in CEC options.
Ok Thanks I’ll give it a go! I tried deactivating active source it didn’t work. Strange thing is CEC worked perfectly on my old mecool s912 device with the same tv it’s only since I upgraded to the vim3 it’s broken
The ARB_LOST issue was treated in this thread a couple of month ago. As far as I can see this was somehow fixed, but the corresponding build is not available any longer.
I have now done a measurement with my oscilloscope on the CEC bus of the N2.
This is the transfer protocol:
[ 20.833100@5] cectx ff80023c.aocec: try to send data by cec_ll_tx, len 1
[ 20.859895@4] cectx ff80023c.aocec: CEC tx msg len 1: f0
[ 20.889037@3] cectx ff80023c.aocec: try to send data by cec_ll_tx, len 2
[ 20.915905@5] cectx ff80023c.aocec: CEC tx msg len 2: f0 8c
[ 20.928535@1] cectx ff80023c.aocec: warning:ARB_LOST
The protocol shows the transfer of 0xf0 (ping TV) was successful.
The second transfer of 0xf0 0x8c fails by arbitration lost.
It just stop transfer after the third bit - I don’t know why.
The arbitration lost error happens randomly.