CoreELEC 21.1-Omega Amlogic-ne Discussion


LAN is not Wifi.

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Oh ok, good to know.

Then I am again interested in getting the internal NIC to work. Under the Android OS that came with the Kinhank G1 the built-in LAN NIC works. Under CE21.1.1 NE I get:
error <general>: ## CoreELEC Addon ## connman::set_technologies ## ERROR: (DBusException('Device or resource busy'))

(a test with a USB NIC worked successfully)

Try DV player led option or/and different HDMI port/cable.

Iā€™ve tried both but it doesnā€™t affect the result.

The same clip works on my AM6B+ using the same cable. I have several DoVi videos which work fine on the AM8 which baffles me.

I have one quite old test clip which is showing the same symptom, except that it triggers the DoVi mode on the TV and shows correct data in the VRR display but just shows a black image.

Both of these clips that donā€™t work have been created by using x265 and its direct RPU injection method. A test clip Iā€™ve created with svt-av1-psy with direct RPU injection works fine. The x265 encoded clip where the RPU data has been injected afterwards using quietvoidā€™s dovi_tool works as well. Maybe this helps to trace the issue a little further?

When you create your own ā€œmediaā€ you donā€™t think it will be a good idea to share a short sample?
Here everything does work with our test media.

Iā€™ve already shared one non-working sample here. That is what the previous batch of logs was based on.

But as I really want to help out in fixing the issue, here are those old sample files mentioned:
AV1, RPU injected during encode, works
x265, RPU injected afterwards using dovitool, works
x265, RPU injected during encode, does not work (gives signal and correct output format but black screen)

All the samples here work fine on AM6B+ using the same setup of hardware.

Is there a way to trace what is actually happening internally when playback is started? Or a way to check what is different in the output between -ng and -ne?

g7 max
CoreELEC (official): 21.1-Omega (Amlogic-ne.aarch64)
dbt.img: sc2_s905x4_4g_1gbit

udevadm info /sys/bus/sdio/devices/* | paste

dmesg | paste

AML-W1 chip is not really supported, no ideaā€¦

But, in the stable version 21.0 it works fine, itā€™s in 21.1 and 21.1.1 where the Wi-Fi speed is very, very slow. Has the AML-W1 stopped being compatible? Is there any way to fix it?

The point to have stable sw is to test nightly builds with changes. Because no one would like to do that and use only stable builds this happens. At some point between two stable releases some change were made which was not caught early to cause troubles. And now we have this situation.

I understand, because it also happens in the nightly 22.xxxx versions. Is there any solution to apply the fix for the stable 21.XXX versions, or do we need to switch to the to fix it?

The solution will first be to identify the reason. And as I wrote it would be easier to do that when issue first come in nightly. But as written you obviously donā€™t want to test nighlies.

Iā€™m using a device with an S905W2 CPU and 4 GB RAM. After updating the system from version 21.0 to 21.1.1, Iā€™ve been unable to play videos stored on my NAS correctly. Even 720p H264 videos stutter and stop. Downgrading to 21.0 resolved the issue. Can someone help me understand whatā€™s causing this problem?
I am not sure weather the log file could be useful? (i am not sure whether the information in the url would be available. becasue I am a new account and cannot uploade the log file)

Think this is somewhat related to the wifi issue I noticed starting from 21.1. Only solution so far is to downgrade and stay on 21.0.

I have no problem at all with installing any new nightly version, whether itā€™s 21.x or 22.x, to help detect the issue. Technically, I wonā€™t be able to contribute, but Iā€™ll run any tests you tell me to :slight_smile:

I see, thank you very much!

For users have issues with Wifi speed after update from 21.0 to 21.1.1:
Please try to find last working nightly by yourself so we can identify the reason:

We are only interested in last ā€œnormalā€ working version!


@Portisch , were those samples I provided useful with the DoVi issue or do you need something more?