Dolby Vision for Minix U22X-J (Max) and Ugoos AM6+

yes, so the problem have the attention?

Looks like. Can you upload one not working susbtitle file somewhere to check?

Can you help me please? Sometimes after starting/stopping video playback, the screen turns black, and then the HDMI signal disappears. If an external DAC is connected, the audio from the video plays normally. I installed CoreELEC back when it was version 20.4, now I have version 21.0 and all this time the error appears periodically. Only restarting the TV box helps. I tried replacing the included HDMI cable with a new one from Ugreen, but it didn’t help. This does not depend on the video format. The problem exists on both Full HD and 4K video.
TV box is Ugoos AM6B+.
Here are the debugging logs captured right after the error occurred:

yes, i have the same problem and can confirm.

I’m wondering if I’m chasing ghosts here. I am running the AM6+ with coreelec nightly feeding a LG CX (just setup a few days ago)

I am using TV-led (don’t have the box selected for player led), and testing with a Dune 2 remux. I noticed last night some bad black/grey color banding and thought to myself something must be wrong with the setup.

I wanted to see if it’s correctly passing the DV data through, and I presume to determine this I need to look at the output of displayinfo while playing the movie.

I am running the GUI at 4K @ 60hz.

Sometimes in the display info I see:

which shows 12-bit RGB if I read that right

but just now trying again I saw 8-bit RGB which I presume means its working?:

I saw some mentions in this thread of problems in the past, and workarounds with the delay on refresh rate change… but I didn’t really follow what to change to fix it and if that was still relevant.

Can anyone explain how to analyze this, and if it’s still problematic how to reliably fix it?

Been having a weird issue with my Ugoos Am6b+ box where it randomly turns off and on my TV pops up with the HDMI no signal error and can turn it back on with the press of the button or unplug power cable.

Anyone else have this same issue and whether or not I should return the box to get a new one?

@Nitor Just read your post and I think I’m having the same issue your having. So I’m assuming this is a CoreELEC issue and not Ugoos. It also happens when I start and stop playback sometimes. It happens periodically as well so hard to tell when it will happen.

@nesimi are you also having the same issue as me and @Nitor

yes, i have the same problem. it seems to be a CE problem, because we all got it.

Never have similar issue.
For me all works like the charm.

It’s said that Homatics Box R 4K Plus with CoreELEC can play FEL REMUX .MKV.

it does not happens often. maybe you don’t have it for now. but the problem is there.

on the otherhand my problem is a little bit different. the hdmi signal get somtimes lost and comes back. i do not have the unplug the powercable of the ugoos. the signal comes automatically back after a few seconds.

That’s not right, only S922X

I hope it’s just a CoreELEC issue. With me when the HDMI loses signal it does not come back on after a few seconds so I have to manually unplug the power cable and plug it back in to turn it on.

Like what nesimi said it doesn’t happen often but it’s hard to predict when it will happen next but for me it usually happens when stopping or starting bluray or 4k bluray videos which I play using Plex Mod 4K. Sometimes when I start a movie on there that’s when the box loses HDMI signal and I would have to unplug and replug power cable to fix the issue.

Do you use Plex Mod 4K to view your movies?

i’m only using composite and usb hdd.

yes i am having same issue, flickers from black to normal forwarding or rewinding. Anyone know how to resolve this and also make it snappier when i do try to skip forward in different increments of speed

yes, i have that issue also with forwarding and rewinding. i get sometimes a black screen. after i press the back-button i get normal screen again.

@Nitor @nesimi do you play your content through Plex Mod 4K?

No, only composite and directly from usb. Is your ugoos running through SSH? Mine is.

I had a similar problem where the TV would remain on the blue screen after a video start. I discovered two solutions

  1. Pressing the home button would bring back the screen
  2. Going to Settings/Player/Videos → Adjust display refresh rate and setting it to On start cured the problem for me.

I dont use any plex related stuff. I use mysql for movies, series, and music database. NFS share from my nas.
Adjust display refresh rate: at start/stop.
GUI : 1920x1080 59,94hz

As I said, hdmi loss dont happen for me.
I tested hardly and use daily the box from weeks. I use my own hq hdmi cable, and CoreElec 21 devel version, from cpm.