Dolby Vision for Minix U22X-J (Max) and Ugoos AM6+

Thank you - that’s good to hear.

I tried 20.5 and I have the same result. The player displays the top 20% of the picture and the rest is just a scramble.

I had that issue when I went from someone’s test build back to an official nightly. Took an openwizard local build backup, reflashed the same official nightly, restored my backup, and it was working again.

did you copy the dv file onto the box?

Yep, it’s the same card. Without dovi.ko, I wouldn’t even get an image. It seems as if the decoder starts works from top to bottom, but at the same point something goes wrong and it breaks down.

So there’s an undertracking issue with ST2084 that is highlighted in this comparison.Sure the difference is not very noticeable.However in a true tv led scenario I fail to comprehend how it is possible as they should be identical unless it was a different tv which is not the case.Is this a CE related issue or with respect to the ugoos?

I tested the same pattern on my Sony A95L and the results are quite different:
Ugoos (CoreELEC V21 - latest nightly 0330) and x800m2 seem to track ST2084 the same.
In contrast, the internal application is completely broken ! :slight_smile:

Sorry for quality of photos!

Sony x800m2:


Internal app:

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Looks like a difference between 21 and 20.5 as that test was on the latest nightly build at the time of comparison

However the slight under tracking was only visible in a side by side scenario.Was the exposure locked for the images?

Unfortunatly, the exposure wasn’t locked.

unknown | Slowpoke Pics - It’s the best I can do, I don’t have a better camera than a smartphone.
To the naked eye they look the same to me.

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Not the 20.5 stable release. Iirc cpm’s changes were added after.

I mentioned above to either use a nightly or use the 21-rc2 stable, which does have cpm’s fixes.

I think for most users stable is still best unless they like checking out this thread daily.

Oh yeah, I meant 20.5 nightly. 20.5 nightly builds has been rock solid for me for weeks.

Apparently the tracking of ST2084 is fine on 21 & 20.5 20240329.Not sure what changed between that and 20.5 20240322 (which was the build in that comparison) but might be something to look out for.

I had just been checking FEL P7 where I found the skipping to be much improved and in panning scenes it looked to improve some micro stutter.

The larger settings looks to be causing some issues with MEL, so just playing around still and maybe will target FEL to change the value before start of playing and reset back after etc.

Not tried 20240330 yet.
Edit: looks like no 20.5 20240330 yet, will await the next build.

Yes the tv-led has been in for some time now.

Thanks - that is interesting as we know BT.709 is being sent in the HDMI signal when BT.2020 is not set - looks like the TV then ignores it - it obviously knows it is Dolby Vision content.

FEL still buggy on 21-0331 nightly. 1917 very unstable with screen blanking and DV activating/reactivating.

Tried various iterations of the below from 16 to 512. No major difference it seems on 1917:

echo 32 > /sys/module/amvdec_h265/parameters/dynamic_buf_num_margin

On my LG G2 I can’t tell any difference between bt.2020 flag sent or not.

I think the removal of the bt2020 flag was done around that time in the nightly.

Can try again with the latest nightly and flip the flag and see how that affects the TV being used.

For some TV is may need more than just change the flag - may need to also switch HDMI input and back on the TV.

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I recently got an am6b+ and tried the 0329 20.5 nightly. I watched a couple movies and didn’t see any dropouts or color oddities but I did see some skips and brief inconsistent frame rates (what I believe is being referred to as micro stutters).

Most of my FEL movies are stored as dual track TS files though so I need to convert them to single track. Is there any place I can see if kodi thinks it’s playing a MEL vs FEL file so I can make sure I converted them correctly? Either via the OSD or via some terminal (ssh) command?

For the MEL FEL one way is the debug log, it was added to the decoder open logging:

CAMLCodec::OpenDecoder DOVI: version {:d}.{:d}, profile {:d}, el type {:d}