Install to internal emmc for better performance.
I might if I can get it stable. To many things going on to do that yet. Like missing network connections and shares that I added disappearing might have to do something with missing network but who know. Need to figure out these problems first I think
Would using the backup feature be better so I can dump it back if I lose all the settings again. I just hope given the box a static ip sorts it as a dhcp keeps getting lost
I stopped using suspend because of network loss. I set it to shutdown when tv goes off. If you hooked directly to tv, switching to its hdmi input will power on the box.
I always set static IP from the router itself, that way DHCP always get the same IP.
No fussing about with the devices themself.
I don’t use Suspend or Power Off on my box.
Since I have a Harmony Hub / remote I disable CEC fully. Far less headaches that way.
Where do u disable the cec in my Yamaha amp or the box as I can not find the setting.
Don’t want the box to power up at all I want to do that not the system that’s part of the problem. I hope I can get the network lose fixed in suspend as the box just totally losses all settings it’s not so much a network lose it just losses the ip address and dns numbers causing no network.
Loading from sd is to painful to. Don’t really want to lose the android op when installing kodi on the internal. Might try a ssd though
Internal install is dualboot only.
So how long to boot from power off ? With internal
To disable in Kodi:
Settings → System → Input → Peripherals → CEC Adapter
You might need to reboot after changing those settings.
In the Yamaha you disable it Video/HDMI settings, HDMI Control - Control: off
Under 30 seconds from cold boot
I am about to give up on this box as I restarted the system and now when loaded back up it’s back to default skin and I can not get reloaded skin back on keep saying error and now my smb shares has yet again disappeared from the add source
If I add the source back again all the other drives I added will not work
So this boils down to in suspend or power down I have problems as follows
1 network lose ( possible fix using static ip but time will tell)
2. Share disappear
3. Skin fails to load
I just don’t know why
- Fix your network issues, use wired and configure static IP on router.
2 & 3. Try another usb or SD card, the SD card might be bad and corrupts your install.
Or just install CE on the eMMC instead.
Perhaps, it would be best to just remove the microSD card and test everything using your native Android on your box.
Install Kodi, and use it for awhile to see if any of the problems you get from CoreELEC still are there under Android’s Kodi…
Also, as others have said, make sure you set a static IP address for your box, on your router.
Did you boot to android after installing CoreELEC? I would suggest doing a hard reset then try setting everything up again without ever booting to android. See if that works.
1 i already did that from day one, I have 3 x 2.5gb switchers all cat6 and 4 pc running kodi and i have never had any problems but this minix box
2 might try it
I had similar issues when I ran CE from an SD card. At first it was fine, but after a week or two I began getting strange behaviors.
So I decided to install the Ugoos dual-boot firmware that comes with an older CE (19.x) and upgraded that with .tar files first to 20.5 and then to a 21 nightly.
In hindsight I should have used the ceemmc tool to achieve dual-boot because now my CE partition is only 3 GB. Not a real big issue for me, because i’m using MySQL as a database anyway.
TLDR: SD cards are not always reliable and can cause strange behavior.
when i used a static ip and reset the box the static ip was still there but my shares disappeared and my skin reverted back to the basic one.
what i did notice when i tried to access my shares it would not let me until i added another share of the same name/ip and then the older share worked again. I then removed the new share I just added and the older one now works. but i know it will disappear again its done it 3 times.
i did to try it to see if it was ok, then i unplugged the power from the box then put the sd card in then pressed the hard reset button and held it with a tooth pick and put the power back in and powered up the unit and it then installed kodi.
how do you get a dual boot with kodi and android on the internal drive without formatting android and how do u access each operating system as i have the minix version of the box
and can you ever get it back to normal android only if needed just in case.
I just put the 21 nightly stright on and not the final release but it can not be that as to many problems
plus it take 5 min to bbot from sd card as well
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