Dolby Vision for Minix U22X-J (Max) and Ugoos AM6+

Are these converted to st-dl or played as is? Any downside to playing DT?

That’s all folks…

Seriously, I think FEL support is complete.

DT-DL will be combined into ST-DL to feed the decoder.
I don’t think that DT-DL content is very common, but it should play back the same way as ST-DL.


A huge thanks on behalf of the community to all the talented developers and contributors to this.This is amazing!

Off topic
Is HS400 supported on all AM6B units or should one check what emmc they have before enabling it and how would I go about that?

FEL starts on the UHD disk as DTDL, which is then backed up to either a MKV, MP4, TS, ISO, or BDMV format. The FEL can be stored in these files as either DTDL or STDL which can be losselessy converted between. So, you can have a DTDL or a STDL MKV and the content would be identical. However, playback has always been tricky until now. In short, these latest changes means that CoreELEC has perfect support for DoVi. There is no device that can come close to the S922X-J devices running CoreELEC.

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I would always suggest to run dmesg, but it should be the same across devices.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Amlogic S928X

@R3S3T_9999 It seems that it’s time to add TS, MP4, and MKV to list of formats that the Ugoos supports for DTDL.

All dual layer formats should be supported since 20240507.


Have to say, amazing all the work you did on DTDL support.

Wish you guys from the CE Team would accept donations somehow :grin:

Please give a donate to CoreELEC by click on the Ads, thx!

It’s beautiful - hands down the best video player bar none (credit goes to @R3S3T_9999):

To all who participated in this project and community, much appreciated. Its been super fun enjoying content with everyone, and learning more about the video we love.

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Nice table, may we can get it to share it on our Wiki?

Brilliant work @Portisch , thank you for bringing joy to us all.

Do you know if 3D Support is being worked on?

Thanks again.

The sheet is freely accessible on Google Docs:

Maybe put the minix u22x-j max in the same field as the ugoos as people might have them and don’t realise there just the same compact.


Can you update

UPDATE MARCH 2024: The CoreELEC build (20.5) is stable. It now does true TV-LED and support CMV4.0
coreelect build:


UPDATE May 2024: The CoreELEC nightly build (v.21) is stable. It supports true TV-LED and CMV4.0.
CoreELEC build:

Excellent job!
Many thanks to the team who made this possible.
May you inform when the proper built with “perfect support for FEL/MEL Dollby Vision” will be available?
Thank you

Today’s nightly.

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First off thanks for all of the awesome work on this, it is the reason I bought an AM6B+ and installed CoreElec.

I wanted to see if someone could clarify. I want to say a month or two back, I tested playing DB UHD backups with menus and it would only play on HDR10, which I believe was a limitation of Kodi. Last night I test a few of those same full backups and they were playing in DV. Am I assume that you all worked some magic to get that working? If it is playing those backups correctly Using FEL then you literally have created the best media player out there.

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