Dolby Vision - VS10 Engine on Ugoos AM6+

Yes, in Settings/System/Display there is a slider to adjust “GUI peak luminance in HDR PQ mode”. This affects all OSD, graphics and subtitles that are SDR in origin. Set it to 100%.

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That all sounds right to me.
Certainly no need for command lines now.

I have only ever run from SD - have found a faster card with fast iops is acceptable (with a good card should be able to copy over the tar image to the update folder in 3-4 sec on 1GB wired) I am constantly writing new updates so not using the internal flash for now, will let others chip in on the process of running dual versions.

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Quick update on VS10 for HDR10 sources. It can be detrimental sometimes. For example I have a bad metadata HDR10 file : 4000/0.005 and maxcll:600~ maxFALL:400~
I wonder which HDR10 meta data VS10 uses to do the tone-mapping but the result is that it’s really dark and I have to ramp up the contrast to 100% to have something nearly acceptable. In native hdr10 mode I also have to ramp up the contrast but it reaches something far more acceptable.

@cpm : My question is : do you know if it would be possible to change the HDR sourcefile metadata “on-the-fly” ? (I know it’s feasible on the video file itself of course). The idea would be to have an auto HDR scanner on a backend that would give the good HDR metadata value by analysing the file (there are some tools like that in MadVR software). Then kodi would take this new HDR10 metadata like it was already embedded in the video file (so to ultimately feed VS10 with the proper value).

There is this struct feeding the control path into dovi.ko, I would guess that the first two and last two variables come from the hdr10 file metadata.

struct hdr10_parameter {
	u32 min_display_mastering_lum;
	u32 max_display_mastering_lum;
	u16 r_x;
	u16 r_y;
	u16 g_x;
	u16 g_y;
	u16 b_x;
	u16 b_y;
	u16 w_x;
	u16 w_y;
	u16 max_content_light_level;
	u16 max_frame_avg_light_level;

My basic scan of the code is it gets the primaries variables from the display itself and if none found just goes with bt.2020, though as usual it is not super clear as supporting a variety of SoC including embedded TV - which have a lot more interaction from the TV settings side compared with STB just on HDMI.

Anyway I presume you mean just altering the other four variables based on some algorithm given their current values?

I think it is do-able but will let others do the dev this time as taken on enough in CE and need to concentrate time of projects elsewhere.

Take a look here:

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Is there a way to manage PGS subtitles / make them small in size? They are too big and intrusive and I tried changing the subtitle settings in Kodi settings but they seem to only influence the SRT format.

PGS are image based subtitles, no way to adjust size

Only saw them adjustable with Potplayer on PC.

Thanks guy, I will stick with downloading srt’s over network.

Latest test version can be found here:

Latest test version can be found here:

Does anyone else see a big difference in relation to sdr to DV/HDR with Tv led or Player led lldv vs Player led hdr?

In my case with former options, SDR conversion has dull, muted colors whereas with player led hdr colors are vibrant.

My tv is Philips 808 oled.

with my Panny HZ980 colours are good with TV-led DV conversion of SDR, but I’m increasingly noticing increased noise in film highlights so don’t use it much.

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Latest test version can be found here:


Can you please work on improving the BDMV folder playback support on the device as well? Its about 15-20% right now and even that will have audio sync issues if you happen to FF or skip chapter.

The mitigation for this is to switch DV from lossless to “convert to 8.1”, it won’t be perfect but it works ok … untill we have full reliable DTDL DV P7 support

Is there a difference between SDR → Off and SDR → SDR?

From cpm’s earlier post:

"SDR8 and SDR10 are just considered “SDR” in the DV Engine.
There are two distinct modes called that, hence originally why I had two options, but both those target modes did the same thing ultimately - so just one option now: SDR, as both did the same thing!

[For SDR8] → SDR
Is the same as the original:
[For SDR8] → SDR10

[For SDR10] → SDR
Is the same as the original:
[For SDR10] → SDR8

Maybe makes more sense viewed from say HDR10 → SDR or DV → SDR (no point in two target modes)

Question outstanding is does [For SDR10] → SDR actually do anything meaningful.

It may still make some sense as the “SDR” is the Dolby Engine processed SDR."

Anything to “off” will pass-through the original format.

Now I’m very curious between picture differences of SDR and VS10 SDR

I fully agree. I think this thread would be very interested if you did some tests on this topic and posted your findings.

Hello, two things:

  • Will this update tar work on CE 22.0 nightly build ?

  • A sugestion: please, if you can, consider creating a GitHub for this project so you can keep new releases organized.

Thank you for your work !