EmuELEC: Retro Emulation Kodi Addon for CoreELEC!

I will definitely be testing it!

The reason the add-on is still not out for the N2 is because the N2 still has some issues with the framebuffer, I managed to workaround that in the standalone version (emuELEC) but those required some kernel changes and other stuff that are not implemented with CoreELEC as they are not compatible with Kodi.

But EmuELEC runs very well on the N2 if anyone wants to test that image here is the link

Doesnt work on retroarch,only on menu emulationstation.

Right after you configure your gamepad, can you SSH to your box and send me the result of this:

cat /storage/.emulationstation/es_log.txt | paste

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I meant to reconfigure your gamepad

go to configure input int he main menu, and reconfigure your game pad, then send me the link to the log

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the auto conf is not firing, what version are you using ?

if you are using 2.5 and if you don’t have any configurations that you want to keep, while in kodi (the addon not running) please try this: ssh to your box and type

rm -rf /storage/.emulationstatiion

now start the addon again and you will be asked to configure your controller, and it should fire the scripts.

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Perfect this works! my version is 2.5.Thanks very much!!!

The Reciast github was deleted,

wow, I just noticed that, how come?? does anyone know ?

edit: It seems it was by mistake

Ohhh I see, hope to get it working back very soon

Is Autoconfig for the PS3 Controller now working or i need still the script
Then i will backup my Controller Config

i had to change drastic.sh
fbset -fb /dev/fb0 -g 1920 1080 1920 2160 16

an at the end this:
fbset -fb /dev/fb0 -g 1920 1080 1920 2160 32

dont know what setterm 16 and 32 is but i think its not working.

That’s the bit depth, 16 bit and 32 bit.

Final Fantasy VIII on PSX will work again :slight_smile:
Sega CD with picondrive is working too :slight_smile:

Has anyone solved the problem described by dekani?

The PS3 gamepads pair fine in CoreELEC until we boot to the internal memory - where is Android - for the first time. Then the PS3 gamepads no longer pair when we go back to CoreELEC.

This is so strange, that the Android messes with the CoreELEC located in a microSD card.

but what is the different
fbset -fb /dev/fb0 -g 1920 1080 1920 2160 16
is wokring for drastic
setterm 16

it does the same thing you did :slight_smile:

its not setterm 16, its setres.sh 16

you either have an old version of the add-on that does not include setres.sh or it did not update correctly.