EmuELEC: Retro Emulation Kodi Addon for CoreELEC!

Can you share what have you done…? Thanks, I have testing, for atomiswave and Naomi but doesn’t work, the sega cd either but I think that the problem is that I have chd files for this system, and the es_system doesn’t have this extension and that the gen emulator doesn’t work with this files, I have to try to another core and type the es_system to work with segacd.
But the atomiswave and Naomi I don’t know what I have to do…


Take the below codes to https://www.base64decode.org/ and decode it … you will get the links to the proper romsets :

Atomiswave Roms:

[ removed no links to ROM sites, not even encoded ]

Naomi Roms :

[ removed no links to ROM sites, not even encoded ]

you have to use the .lst and .bin sets.

also this is the launch parameter that is working for both naomi and atomiswave.

	<path>/media/NEW VOLUME/roms/atomiswave</path>
	<command>/storage/.kodi/addons/script.emuelec.Amlogic.launcher/bin/emuelecRunEmu.sh LIBRETRO beetledc %ROM% -PATOMISWAVE</command>

	<fullname>Sega Naomi</fullname>
	<path>/media/NEW VOLUME/roms/naomi</path>
	<extension>.bin .BIN .LST .lst</extension>
	<command>/storage/.kodi/addons/script.emuelec.Amlogic.launcher/bin/emuelecRunEmu.sh LIBRETRO beetledc %ROM% -PNAOMI</command>

Also make sure you have the right bios sets for naomi and atomiswave…they are different than reicast dc bios…all the info on that is online.

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What is the code to remove throttling on the s905x ? I want to see if I can get a bit more fps.

Had to remove your encoded links, please don’t post links to ROM sites not even encoded.

When moving to the latest version (been on the march version for a while), are there some config files worth saving and copying over new ones, or is it better to just start again with the configuration (such as joypad mapping, favorites, paths e.a.)?

Again thank you for your work on this.

Depends how much you have changed the default config. if you don’t have anything that is customized, it is better to start from scratch, but in your case since you have favorites, you will need to back those up and re apply them when you upgrade, gamepads you should be able to reconfigure upon lunch.

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So for SegaCD you will need the 3 bios files. I just got it working…So now im up to 40 working systems. I havent found anything that this release wont play! Thanks @ Shanti !

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Thank you for testing :slight_smile:

Could you tell me what box you are using?

MXQ Pro + (with Coreelec 9.02 on internal eMMC…running the latest addon…roms on 64Gb usb stick)

This one : https://www.geekbuying.com/item/MXQ-PRO--Android-7-1-1-Amlogic-S905X-4K-TV-BOX-2GB-16GB-385604.html

I am working on daphne now …trying to use this core :


It seems like it should work but I havent been able to get it to play Dragons Lair.

This is the log :

–DAPHNE version 1.0.7
–Command line is: daphne lair vldp -framefile lair.txt -fullscreen -seek_frames_per_ms 20 -min_seek_delay 1000 -fastboot -cheat -useoverlaysb 0 -homedir /media/NEW VOLUME/roms/daphne/roms/…
Setting alternate home dir:
/media/NEW VOLUME/roms/daphne/roms/…
NOTE : Max seek delay disabled
NOTE : Min seek delay disabled
Framefile parse succeeded. Video/Audio directory is: /media/NEW VOLUME/roms/daphne/lair.daphne/
LDP-VLDP INFO : opening video file . . .
YUV overlay is done in RetroArch.
Initializing sound system …
GI Sound chip initialized at 2000000 Hz
Loading compressed ROM image dl_f2_u1.bin…8192 bytes read.
Loading compressed ROM image dl_f2_u2.bin…8192 bytes read.
Loading compressed ROM image dl_f2_u3.bin…8192 bytes read.
Loading compressed ROM image dl_f2_u4.bin…8192 bytes read.

Source is available there…still cant figure out where my prob is with this one.

The answer’s in issues:

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I don’t think Daphne will work on EmuELEC just yet, the one they use in RetroPI seems to be custom made for the board, and not a generic ARM version, but I can try and see if it works.

Edit: it does not

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Thanks for checking…That seems to be the only core\emulator I could find that is not currently supported by emuelec.

Could you move back to the previous version of hatari that you were using in the 2.5 sx05re addon? I am having trouble with the latest hatari core also.

Libretro hatari? what kind of trouble? I just tested it with no issues.

I have .ipf files for atarist. Apparently this retroarch core version that is included in Emuelec 2.53 no longer supports ipf files as shown here :

The sx05re version 2.5 was using a standalone Hatari that did support ipf files and worked for me.

I get the above error message when loading my ipf files.

I found a TOSEC .stx romset now so no need to make any changes :slight_smile:

Does Reicast not work with CHD v5?

It does work with CHD v5 as described here :

Many times on shutdown your Re-icast VMU saves will be corrupt and need to be deleted from /storage/.local/shares/reicast…remove all 4 VMU files and then retry.

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Looks like it should work, but none of my CHD v5 work, don’t even see the Dreamcast bios screen. Guess I’ll stick to GDI.

Any chance we’ll see Kronos (Saturn) come to EmuELEC? It looks quite impressive, compared to bog standard yabause.


Or, is EE’s yabause being used with Kronos pulls? (it seems a little ambiguous looking at Github’s network graph).