Help, support CPM build

Hi @cpm
i have issue when play video via pvr addon (h264@1080p)
The problem comes if hardware acceleration is enabled for h264

cpm’s latest version T8

@OCEFDA please use in future this thread.
The CPM builds are a community project so CE can’t take over support for unknown codes in the images, thx.

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@Portisch , ok, got it and will do, I did not know about this specific thread. Thanks for the heads up. I assume it is still ok to post on the other 3 threads that were started by cpm, on Dolby, EDID, and Dynamic Conversion?

Same here. I have some TV episodes with DV in MP4 format from DVSUX and they no longer play. I’m pretty sure they worked fine before. They also don’t work in the 20240916 NG build by the way, so it’s not a cpm specific issue.

Noticed when updating from T4 to T6 and/or T8 that there is a black screen before playback and after playback . My avr reports no info during black screen.
Gui set to 1080@50 and lldv always on.
Live tv source is 50 fps so would not expect any ”resync” . T4 is all good and issue seems not to be only live tv. Any idea ?

Edit first frame is visibel then screen turns black for 5-10 seconds, but i can hear audio Channel change takes the same time

I have one idea, but no time, maybe next week - will ping if I find sometime to check my idea and have a new build.

Edit: Sorry Jonke - I am no longer going to be sharing builds - I can point another outside dev at what I think it is if they want to try.

  if (modeChange) aml_dv_toggle_frame(mode);

  // Re-trigger update resolution when mode IPT Tunnel and in Display Led (DV-Std).
  // Work around CD 12 bit issue for DV-Std shoule be CD 8 bit.
  // Wait for Dolby VSIF being output before trigging the update resolution so logic has correct input to work from.
  // The update resolution will cause the hdmi mode switch logic in the kernel to set the colour bit depth correctly in DV-Std.

I think probably should change to:

if (modeChange) { 


  // Re-trigger update resolution when mode IPT Tunnel and in Display Led (DV-Std).
  // Work around CD 12 bit issue for DV-Std shoule be CD 8 bit.
  // Wait for Dolby VSIF being output before trigging the update resolution so logic has correct input to work from.
  // The update resolution will cause the hdmi mode switch logic in the kernel to set the colour bit depth correctly in DV-Std.

The aml_dv_trigger_update_resolution even though nothing changing is likely causing the effect you see (just my first guess)


I checked a DVSUX MP4 Slow Horses S02.E02 and is fine.

Recall someone else had a DV5 which mediainfo said had a HDR10 fallback which is not valid maybe the same?

I have barely a surface level understanding of this stuff. But this looks like a relatively simple piece of code (correct me if I am wrong) if it fixes a remaining major issue, then is it possible to release your “final” offering with this fix? You can make it clear in the build in the build title that there are no more after this.

I’m sure some won’t take notice and others will not understand leading to questions being asked anyway. Ignore them :slight_smile: But this would be a nice send off. If not then you have already contributed more than enough. Either way: Thank You :slight_smile:

It is just a guestimate

It needs testing and regression testing that it does not break other flows.

Needs a few hours to change - compile - transfer - run - test positive case (to best of ability because do not have the same setup) - regression test.

Then may not fix the issue anyway when in others env.


It looks relatively simple because the complexity I have encapsulated into the functions so can grasp the higher level flow more easily.


I am no longer sharing builds - please do not ask for them, thx.

Ok, understod. I will go back to T4. Thanks again cpm for all your great work.

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OK that sounds like a lot of work. Thanks for the update.

I was testing with LOTR The Rings of Power S01E01.

According to Mediainfo there is no HDR10 fallback in this file:

HDR format : Dolby Vision, Version 1.0, dvhe.05.06, BL+RPU

The same file still plays fine in Kodi for Android on my Shield 2019 Pro.

Converting it to MKV using mkvtoolnix also works by the way.

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Does this mean that T8 is the last build from you?

Yep that is the last build I am sharing.

Sad…, then I’ll just have to use my present AM6B+ CPM_T8-CE media player, without ever updating it, and get another box for future CE development, if any future version ever becomes useful for my needs.

Can someone please clarify what is the problem with T8 build? And does this “problem” only effect only a few minor things/users or “should” most of install T4 instead?

Thanks cpm for all your hard coding work… I just installed T8 a couple of days ago (very late to the cpm party) and can see why you put so much effort into your project. Watching most everything in DV is quite the upgrade on my 85" Sony. Thanks again and best wishes :slight_smile:

Issue Jonke has looks to be related to unnecessary mode switching - which impacts setups where the equipment takes a long time to switch, if using “on demand” then already switching all the time and no difference.

This cannot be the end @cpm . You are so great a man and researcher, Pls do no throw everything to the garbage, Pls find together with CE Team, a way to continue your very precious collaboration to CE project.
Hope you and CE Team will work together again. In the end we are all here because we share the same dreams and we are a very little niche in this video world. If we also break really I think there is no more hope left for us.
Pls think again.

Nothing is in the garbage, it is all there - but I have completing pressures and continuing to work on this is with new elements is not helping anyone move forward at this time and just builds up more expectation.

I have not disappeared just not going to share releases, will be around to answer questions that are asked.

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