Help, support CPM build

Very sad, But it is your decision… Happy you will not leave this community.
Thanks Great Man

Picked up a copy and it crashes out on my Ugoos.

Looks like something to do with subtitles, last thing is does before crashing for me is:

2024-09-19 20:04:21.874 T:4326 info : CDVDSubtitlesLibass: Initializing ASS library font settings

Hope that helps narrow things down.

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@cpm, I want to thank you for all of your time, dedication, and results on your builds. You truly delivered exceptional features/functionality in such a short time. Like I mentioned before, the CE team has done and is doing a great job but there is space for more than one or two heroes. We need more of them, not less. I am very sorry for the time that you have lost with your family and I fully understand your position.

Unfortunately, the overall forum/thread community (not you or the CE developers) with the best of intentions to have your build results merged with the main line CE development, raised enough pressure/temperature and have roasted the goose. As the final line reads “Those who have plenty want more and so lose all they have.”


@cpm, thanks for your hard working. spending your free time to solve issue’s of other people, is noble.

thanks for your time and efforts. you can now enjoy your free time and family…

for now my question/ humble request to other users:

can somebody upload any of the builds of cpm? i got my self build T6A, T6A2, T7 and T8.
so, i need builds from T1 till T6.

i will be even satisfied with temporary links. after my download, you can delete/remove your link/file.

i am trying to collect all builds of cpm

I got saved T3, T4A, and T6, which do you want besides T6?

Anyway, here are all 3 of them zipped

I have also saved FC10, FC11, FC12 and FC15 versions that came before T versions, if you are interested to archive them.


thanks for your efforts,

you can remove your T3, T4A, T6 links. i got them.

i would like to have all the rest which i dont have.

what i now have are:
T3,T4A, T6, T6A, T6A2, T7, T8.

i would like to have the rest of releases.

Here is the rest that I have saved.