Homatics Box R 4K Plus

Under atv14, currently no any good working CoreElec version. NG and NE not working, NO is early stage

The p7 fel just working in CE NG, under atv12, which working good now.
But once, will be eol.

The newest homatics boxes will be not coming preinstalled atv14, because that still alpha stage.

Later when once atv 14 will be stable maybe than.
But its not tomorrow.

It seemed to me that I had read somewhere on this forum from Portisch or Vasco that the NG version would no longer be optimized to work with the new Kernel of this box under Android TV 14…
Because this NG version will soon be abandoned.
But I can’t find the message in question :confused:

So what ??? It will certainly not stop working, nor will it lose any present functionality…
Who, satisfied with present working condition, then cares about any updates?
It’s the same as with my 6 years old SONY UBP-X700B Player which NEVER got any updates, but works the same as it did on the first day :slight_smile:


You don’t understand…
The Homatics R 4k Plus box, which was the ideal box for reading Dolby Vision files with FEL under Android TV 12, has been updated to Android TV 14 for many people, which means there is a new Android Kernel…
So the version of CoreElec NG that worked well on the box with Android TV 12 no longer works on Android TV 14!

We will have to use the NO version of CoreElec to make it work on the box with Android TV 14. And this NO version does not support DV files with FEL (and it never will according to what is said here).

It is possible to revert to Android TV 12 on the box, but it’s not available to everyone and not without risk…
And it is not supported by the brand because it requires the use of pirated firmware.

This not CoreELEC fault or doing

Dolby Laboratories has abandoned FEL
Going forward

I never said otherwise :wink:

It’s just that some people think that the CoreElec team will try to make the NG version of CoreElec compatible with the box running Android TV 14 (and thus have support for DVD FEL) but from what I’ve understood through my readings here, that won’t be the case because it’s too complicated to implement. And they want to focus on a single version, the NO.

Did you see that about Dolby and FEL written somewhere?

Also, even though various people repeated what I wrote in my post above regarding the homatics box + atv14 + coreelec-ng so far, nobody can provide an answer or hint to the one thing I asked (@myst13 I guess you come close, but I am not in a position to know whether the kernel atv14 runs really has much to do with how coreelec functions and what kernel version it itself runs). I guess I will wait till one of the coreelec developers chime in.

Source for this?

Portisch posted weeks ago
Cant recall which Thread

Please read this

Well, what I really don’t understand is the mindset of people that always crave to update a working system with a new one.
What magic do those people expect the new version will bring to their experience, especially without knowing how this update will affect their CoreElec functionality?
I really don’t understand that someone in their right mind chooses to upgrade a perfectly working system to any new Android version which all the time become more and more restrictive…, sorry it’s beyond my humble brain abilities.

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It’s called an automatic update via OTA…

It wasn’t a choice for many people…
Moreover, Homatics mistakenly pushed the update at first even to people who hadn’t requested it ^^

Not to mention that Android TV 12 was completely buggy and people were hoping for a non-buggy version while staying on Android TV 12 with functional CoreElec…
The manufacturer’s policy at SEI wanted it differently.

I know what it’s called, but any Android OS update, like from 12 to 14 MUST not be mandatory. Mandatory are security updates and some app updates, but OS update is left for users to choose.
If this OS update from 12 to 14 was mandatory, then complain to those who pushed it that way, and demand a way to return to previous, working, version.

I made a post right here, when that happened, and there in the telegram groups, to please not update to 14. And how to prevent.

Lot of users wanted, they need to eat what they cooked.

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I am one of those people that HAS to upgrade to a newer version on any of my electronics. I have to see what is on the other side of the mountain. That is just the way my mind works.

I went from 11 to 12 on my Dune Homatics as soon as I found the newer firmware. However, I have NOT updated to 14, I have the firmware for it, but have not done it yet because of the CE issues. Butt, I can hold out for so long before I update. It is rough trying to restrain myself on updating to 14. It is just a matter of time, before I pull the pin on the grenade.

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Me and many others did not request the update to Android TV 14 but still received it automatically on the day of the bug :wink:
Nowhere in my statements do I complain about the situation…

But that’s not the question; for my part, I have no problem with that, I have a clone of the Oppo 203 to play my UHD Blu-rays perfectly.
This box doesn’t serve me much. Just for testing.
At first, I was just responding to someone who was wondering what the current situation was :wink:

The company that pushed the update messed up and is aware of it.
Developers are having a hard time because each new update brings new bugs without fixing the old ones.

There is a method to go back to Android TV 11 or 12, but for my part, I don’t need it.

If You are using CE, there will no android update.
If You are using android, You must block OTA via firewall/router

Back to android 11/12 is not impossible, but You need skills and the firmware files

Honestly I see that as something that has to do with the future of DV for Android boxes, not the future of DV in general. At least reading what Portisch is writing.

To this day new UHD discs are coming out with FEL content. Will they all stop tomorrow? I doubt it. Will they ever stop… in this scene everything changes sooner or later. But that is not a valid reason to discount the importance of FEL compatibility, in my humble opinion.
Thanks for fetching that post for me, though, much appreciated. :slight_smile:

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According to user DonaldfaQ, it can be done and he created a tutorial on how to do it. I personally have not updated to 14, so cannot verify this tutorial.

I know that you are one of those that never skip any update…
Only wandering how luckily you escaped this trap :sweat_smile: