Homatics Box R 4K Plus

There isn’t too much difference between an S905X3 (your C4) and the S905X4-J so I am not sure what you expecting from the CPU. However my variant is much cooler at 50C and barely warm to the touch than the S905X4 boxes I have tried and I do cheap the top off, so probably other things come to play.

I wasn’t expecting anything, but I wasn’t expecting worse performance I’ll tell you that. And I had noticed that too, the top holds in so much heat removing it fixes all cooling problems.

@white_dragonn it could be a poor performing usb drive? Are you using the usb3 slot?

yeah, samsung bar plus 3.1, tried corsair gtx, and a micron nvme with a dram cache on it. Opening addons feels slower than on the odroid, the gui is laggy with the skin I choose compared to the odroid, even boot up seems slower.

Only thing I’d suggest is maybe run the GUI in 1080p/50-60hz instead of 4k if doing so. Easier on the machine.

Does anyone know how to get this update? I’ve tried waiting months now and my Nokia 8010 is still stuck on the 4xxx version firmware.

Still trying to use the internal sata HDD bay of my Dune Premier 4K Pro to boot CE, so far no luck.
I always get the Android Recovery screen with no option to boot anywhere but ATV.

I converted the disk to GPT, activated boot and esd on first partition, even tried to add the Dummy.zip empty file in the root folder as other topics suggested. Tried different CE builds. Nothing works :frowning:

The same disk boots and works fine when using a Sata to USB3 adapter. Really clueless here, any hints or tips would be greatly appreciated.

I popped the box open, removed the silly magnet and installed an Aliexpress bought (“WE DO HEATSINK” store) heatsink on the SoC, 60x30x8mm fits fine but take care of the placement, it cannot cover the whole chip or you cannot put the top cover back on. I also drilled some venting holes on the cover.

15 minutes from the beginning of Saving Private Ryan HW decoded@1080p and the SoC temp is 48C. Ambient temp maybe 21C, the box is on an open shelf near the floor level with about 25 centimeters of room above it.

The USB stick gets rather hot even when the box is idle, probably need to buy a USB 3.0 hub and rather stick it there than keep it heated in the box’s connector.


This is great to hear, I think my heatsink should be here today and I’m going to install it as soon as possible.

Ok, been playing a 4k remux for the past hour or so, and its at 62c. The bottom doesn’t feel as hot, and theres a bit of warmth coming through the top. These temps are pretty comfortable, and my movies aren’t stuttering anymore. I’m gonna keep testing it though, the big thing for me is the thermal soak and it seems once I get done watching a film it stays that same temperature on idle and never comes down before the mod, I have yet to test it now though

I’ve been running the default governor “performance” and the temps pretty much stay at the top 40C after stopping playback. The reported CPU temp was 47C overnight. I’ve now set the governor to “ondemand” and at least the speed went from 2000 MHz to 500 MHz almost right away, so I suppose it will cool the device down over time. Normal operations probably won’t be affected as my material is 99,9% hardware decodable and if the GUI is sometimes a bit laggy, I don’t mind.

i have “Dune HD Sky 4K Plus” and same issue can’t install CE on ssd in pay or boot from it

i think you can use USB3.0 to boot system only and move data storage to ssd in pay
try this way : Homatics Box R 4K Plus - #278 by vpeter
but need change path to ssd Instead of internal storage

Thank you Zuma but my goal is to get rid of the USB3.0 entirely which looks not possible because the internal SSD bay may not be bootable at all. I’ve sent a mail to Dune support, awaiting their answer on this.

my nokia 8010 has a blank screen at boot, removing CE and it boots into android fine. I don’t see it on the network so no ip and not possible to SSH into it.

TBH i’m not sure the last version number or if there was an error in an upgrade. Not sure of next steps but can i get any kodi config data via the USB to avoid any reconfiguration?

Assuming worst case scenario is a fresh install of CE.

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Did Android an update? So you have to use the toothpick again to boot.

mm tried the reset button and and still blank, in windows i can see the USB file structure without issue so not the USB by the looks of it. It goes into recovery etc but no CE.

if i reinstall are there any files i can copy that will save me from reconfiguring CE ?

I don’t know how I found this:

Will FEL (full enhancement layer) and MEL (minimal enhancement layer) work with such a Homatics device?

Are there any drawbacks that Profile 7 is converted?

I don’t have this box, but MEL will play, FEL will play but without the Enhancement Layer.
Draw backs ? So obviously in DV mode the HDR Base layer and EL are meant to be played together along with the RPU. Usually there aren’t any problems but a few P7 FEL moves have incorrect colours and a few more have reduced peak brightness when played without EL. But generally most look fine and I haven’t noticed much difference in colours or brightness myself.

Do you happen to have any pics of this?


There are more that have problems than most would think. RESET_9999 maintains a list here:

It’s actually possible these days to generate your own RPU with the 3-1 process in DoVi_Scripts:

People discuss using DoVi_Scripts over here:

There are tutorial videos on his YouTube channel:

The only videos that require extreme care and attention to generate new RPUs for are ones with Variable L5 (variable aspect ratio films) which there is also a tutorial for: