How to configure VFD

Something doesn’t add up for me. Could you please make a picture of
cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio command with the A3 ROM, where the display is working?

This result that I have in A3.

The display works, but I don’t support controls. On the tanix rom I don’t have a display.

Yes, I understand.

The Tanix rom works perfectly, but I need help from the display only.

Remove the vfd.conf file and try this DTB, let me know if it works.
gxl_p281_1g.dtb (40.3 KB)

If it doesn’t, post dmesg after a clean boot again.

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I see that didn’t help.
Next step would be to install the Amlogic-ng nightly and use the vfd.conf file I provided earlier today.

The way DTBs are configured in CoreELEC will conflict with the pins your box uses for the vfd display.
From what I see, in the new kernel the setup is the same as in the Android DTB you provided, so it has much higher chance of actually working.

For those who might be interested I installed NG using standard version gxl_p281_2g.dtb on local emmc in a A95X F1 2/16G and it works. I then used instructions to use the correct dbt given before by CETeam

with PUTTY

mount -o remount,rw /flash
cp /usr/share/bootloader/device_trees/gxl_p281_2g_a95xr2.dtb /flash/dtb.img

then to make the VDF working first with date I followed instructions provided before by CETeam

Goto Arthur’s VFD repository here
Download the configuration that matches your device and rename it to vfd.conf.
Make sure that you save the file as Raw.
Copy the vfd.conf to /storage/.config on your device.
For the A95X F1 the file is a95x-r2-aml-vfd.conf

to have the icons shown

Install OpenVFD Service via the CoreELEC repository in Kodi.

Reboot, play with the options of the OpenVFD and enjoy the icons.

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Hello.A general question,if wrong thread,devs please move it.I have CE on my Vorke Z6 (Tanix TX92) and when i press power off inside CE,it seems to be powering off OK,but this logo saying “boot” doesn’t leave at all.Normally when i power off from the tv box’s stock OS,this screen is totally closed

.So i want to ask:Is really my tv box powered off,or i have to reboot from EMMC every time and power it off from there?

You need to configure the openvfd driver, as discussed in this thread, and the display will shut off when you shutdown CE.

Thanks,i found the file for my box and now not only screen turns off,but also it displays and time!!

You can install the OpenVFD addon to make the icons work, too.

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@TheCoolest, thanks for this addon, it’s really great.
one thing I noticed on my box, is the remaining time on playback doesn’t count the seconds properly.
the time between one second and another is not the same.
here’s to demonstrate what I mean:
you can see for example, that the time the display says “03:15” is almost half of the time the display says “03:16”, and the same for “03:12” and “03:13” and so on (it’s like that for every two passing seconds - one second is displayed longer than the next one).

the sync is kept throughout the video playback, but it’s strange seeing seconds pass inconsistently.
am I the only one seeing it? it’s a s905x2 4gb box.

Yes, I’m aware of this problem.
The main issue with this is that this functionality is provided by the OpenVFD addon (it’s not part of the driver), and the addon only updates 2 times a second. It’s enough for clock/icons, but it has trouble keeping up with seconds.
There’s not much I can do about it at this point. I also don’t have much free time to work on this anymore.
The OpenVFD addon sources are on github, PRs are welcome.

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I have a box with this gpios

How I translate them into the gpio numbering of vfd.conf?

You take the base address (410) and subtract it from the pin address (474, 475)
This translates into 64 and 65. I’m pretty sure there are vfd.conf files with this config already.

Yesh, thanks, found one that is working fine

I have tried almost every single possible vfd.conf on my device Transpeed X3 PLUS S905x3 2g/32g

Its just stuck on “boot”, I have used sm1_s905x3_2g.dtb
I have set it up on couple more different model boxes but on this box it doesnt want to work.

What could be wrong? Can someone please help me out…

Currently I have hk1-x3-vfd.conf as /storage/.config/vfd.conf


Did you use a raw copy?

Yes I used raw and also downloaded repo and pushed file to box. Tried all options.