How to run CoreElec on internal memory eMMC on NG boxes (S905X2, S922X) having full operating Android system too

Can anyone recommend a Bluetooth/ WiFi remote for the X96 Max which runs on CoreElec AND stock android?
What about the minix a2 lite, will it work out of the box? Will power on via IR work?

Sorry for noob question but Iā€™ve thoroughly read through ceemmc instructions but all I get via SSH is ceemmc not found?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

@Emerson - I just tried this on a Minix U9-h (running 7.1.2) - it looked from SSH that everything appeared to be going well with the execution - I got a notice saying completed and asked to confirm reboot - I acknowledged yes and I presume it then reboot (not sure - the SSH session ended as soon as I said yes)

I then removed the SD card with the CE image and reboot again - so it boot into Android fine, all working well there - however in the Shutdown menu there is no option to boot from CE
So I canā€™t really tell whether it transferred or not - the total memory however is 16GB but in file explorer it says 3.4GB used, 5.6GB free - for total of 9GB so Iā€™m presuming the other partition was created?

Can you give me some guidance on how to proceed? ā€¦

Edit - sorry - I need to do a better job of reading the information provided! :flushed:

The relevant info I missed initially ā€¦

From the System Information on the CE Summary screen I could see that it was installed in MMC
So I popped out the SD card (after it was booted) and confirmed that it was indeed all still working properly - canā€™t get better confirmation than that!
I then thought about why the ā€˜quitā€™ menu wasnā€™t showing the reboot from NAND option - but I run a different skin - I switched to Estuary and there it was!
Then switched back and I had to create a custom command for that reboot command - see this link for how - Command to reboot to eMMC NAND to use on other skins? - #5 by starkman

Thank you for a super script that really made this extremely simple - I actually had it working within a very short time, just didnā€™t realize it!
Much appreciation!!

First of, thanks a lot for sharing this, made kodi a lot faster. The update instructions are not for S912 SOC right? Is there any way to update on this device? Or have to do a fresh install?

Things have moved on since this unlisted topic.

Not for the S912.

Risk it with SSH CoreELEC

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