Kinhank G1

Hello everyone, having purchased this Android box on AE recently, what should I check first when it arrives? I would then like to install in dualboot coreelec which version should I take and which dtb file?

Coreelec NG
Use Kinhank G1 dtb.
Do NOT open box into Android!

You have to read the thread first
If you want to know what you have to do first this is what you have to do you first you have to read this thread … After that you ask your questions if you still have some

So I can’t use this box if I also want to access Android in dualboot with coreelec?

Just use it for Coreelec. Just put in CE on sd or usb, then turn on box whilst putting toothpick in reset button underneath. Hold until Colourfull message opens. IF it opens into Android and asks you to log in pull power plug out.
If the box is opened in Android it will update and you will lock it. Earlier up this thread are a couple of things to do IF you want to use Android side. There is a reflash to do that prevents update.
I also believe the very latest boxes already are locked.
Go up and read thru the threads of the last few weeks.

OK so if it’s already locked I just have to send it back, right?

In this thead here you must follow the process from @Hungphutho to upgrade your box with his FW. This is the first thing you have to do. After that you must follow the thread for CE -ng / Homatics Remote / @MrMind dtb to prepare your sd card here CE-NG Dolby Vision (+FEL) for DV-licensed SOCs (s905x2, s922x/z, s905x4) - #727 by liquidion . If your box is locked (I doubt about that) you can still use it as Android its licenced Box with DV

This is what I get as a screen when I want to boot via coreelec:
So do you confirm that the bootloader is locked ? I specify that I did not update my box but tried coreelec directly

Not sure I just received mine from AliEx NOW and I followed straight the @hungphutho process (THANKS TO HIM) and I successfully updated the FW just few minutes ago

I also tried updating the firmware following the process but I get a red error message as if something is locked and waiting for a password. When I tried to go to android tv in developer mode there also a password and asked.

My Android FW version IS 11.1.13 so it should be able to boot on coreelec but impossible. I also tried with a usb key but same thing.

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Arrrrggggrrrrhhh bad luck … Some people said here in this case that you must contact kinhank support to get the password but I don’t know more about that… read the post here… if you do not have any answer from them send the box back to AE as defective if you pay via Paypal its easy

Yes I sent them an email giving them my serial number in order to have this password but will this solve my coreelec problem? I also pointed out to them that although I had bought this box I couldn’t do much with it and that I had no rights… not normal

Can you tell me from which seller you purchased yours on aliexpress? If I return mine I could try to get another one from this same seller.

So wait and see now… When you got their password they are supposed to tell you what to do exactly let us know here whats happens with that. Good Luck :sunglasses:

Are you holding in RESET Button?
Do you have the G1 dtb?
Did you save the dtb in the correct format?

Yes for everything, I followed the procedure but impossible to start coreelec

Yes I will do that without problem. In case I have to return it, can you give me the name of the seller from whom you took yours to test again?

I bought two box from kinhank official store from AE and I installed hungphutho easyly both . I received the last today and I use hungphutho without issue too (the first box from Kinhank GLOBAL STORE and the 2nd box from Kinhank OFFICIAL store)

How lucky you were!! No password required for your product? Will you keep these 2 boxes, I would be ready to buy one from you :grin:

Yes … no password required. Upgraded with Hungphutho straight. Did you buy your from kinhank store official ?