Kinhank G1

Hi guys,

Does anyone know the following problem:

G1 gets stuck on the boot screen, reboots and does the same thing again, and so on.

If anyone can help me, I would really appreciate it.


What was the last event?
What happened before this?


  1. Unplug power adapter
  2. Press the reset button
  3. While pressing the reset button, plug power adaprer
  4. Hold the reset button for 4 seconds
  5. Release the reset button
  6. Wait until the recovery menu appears.
  7. Select factory reset.


A little news:

Kinhank Official
The Android 14 system version is currently in the testing phase.
We expect the testing to be completed by March.
After completion, the update will be automatically deployed in the system.
Please be patient.

We wish you all the best!
Kinhank Official

Thanks for keeping us updated, though I’m not sure who this is aimed at. Unless a dev can make use of it and allow us to modify to run bootloader.

The cheapest KinHank G1 is $52.85, you will need a $1.12 UART cable total
you’ll get $3 off so it’s $50.97

The cheapest homatics box r 4k plus is $86.61

you get $8 off (because it’s over $69), so that’s $78.61

It’ll take you at least 2-4 hours is my guess to modify the KinHank, @hdmkv is an expert by now on these boxes and has almost all the major ones and even he gave up on modifying this. Then you have the homatics box r 4k plus that has had android 14 and even though people can install it, it has a few bugs so we are waiting while developers iron them out. Their is no developers for KinHank G1.

those that are pretty happy with this box have the first revision that has gig ethernet and didn’t have to do this hack. The software update will not allow us access to bootloader, unless it’s downgraded and no Google certification.

No one should buy this box. buy cheap buy twice
Best Regards
Homatics team
(please visit my store for better offers)

It didn’t work

Used it for a couple of weeks or so. And then it just stopped working.

Well very little new because GTV A14 system VS GTV A11 system doesn’t have any significant improvement … excepted it will scrap your bootloader CE will not work anymore

This occurs when try to Boot CoreELEC?

Or when test Android?

Who cares really??

If you are testing hungphutho custom rom
You can never apply this update

I agree, hungphutho fw is very suitable, only the DV-HDR auto switching and the AFR function are missing in the ATV system.

Did you try to reflash hungphutho ROM?
If you have no success, then there’s another option.
Someone restored his device after flashing Ugoos X4 FW, then reflashed hungphutho FW (same way of instructions for AML burning img hungphutho FW )

When you say delete do you mean remove that section with zeroes or zero it out if they aren’t zero?

android, the device turns on, the start screen appears and restarts after a few seconds. And it stays like this forever.

Yes, I tried several times with hungphutho rom but without success.

First time I heard about Ugoos X4 FW, where can I get it?

You posted was working for 2 weeks
Then stuck on boot screen.

What firmware were you using/testing?
Kinhank g1 factory?

You may have to downgrade bootloader
Like the rest of us??

Then hungphutho rom will flash

Correct, kinhank G1 from factory, was never updated via OTA (since at that time the update was not released), before it got stuck.

I have not downgraded the bootloader.

I tried with reset button and nothing.
With hungphutho rom and nothing.

What you described sounds like a soft brick/boot loop
Already tried Power cycle the Box
And boot to recovery
Factory Data Reset as was suggested did not work

You do not still have CoreELEC on SD Card inserted?
Or anything else plugged in?
And you tried both USB ports multiple times in Amlogic Tool trying to flash hungphutho?

Then maybe best is to follow Tutorial
Downgrade Bootloader etc…

I have created the CoreElec sd but it doesn’t read it.
I have flashed the hungphutho rom several times, but without results. That is to say, it does the complete process with the AML.

The new thing they told me is:
flash with Ugoos X4 FW, where can I get it?

downgrade the bootloader, how do I do it?

Ok,hungphutho rom flashing success 100% in USB Burning Tool?

Then you must apply the batch file after success flash.?