Today I am a new user to this forum.
I have got Mecool M8S Plus DVB (S905D, 1GB RAM DDR3, 8GB eMMC, Android 7.1), which I want to use for DVB-T2 watching and for KODI.
I have managed to install CE 9.2.7 successfully, with the gxl_p231_1g_m8s_dvb.dtb
KODI works fine, CEC works fine, original remote I do not need, I use wired ethernet.
What I have understood, for Amlogic processors it is best to use CoreELEC, am I right? CE is focused on these Amlogic processors, what I have read on internet. Give me some advice please. Thank you.
“afl1” previously wrote, that DVB-T2 works and is supported.
I have tryed but did not succede.
What I did was:
- have installed tvheadend Server 4.2
- have installed tvheadend HTSP client
- tryed all 3 packages I have seen in CE 9.2.7, one was “dvb latest driver addon”, etc.
I did not know what to do next. Where to check if the DVB-T2 tuner was available. Did not know where to tune channels… - so I uninstalled tvheadend Server 4.2 and installed tvheadend Server 4.3
- again tryed all 3 packages of dvb drivers
And again, I did not know what to do next. Where to check if the DVB-T2 tuner was available. Did not know where to tune channels…
Please help me what is the right procedure after a clean install.
I have found several youtube videos and procedures, but they make me confused.
For example HD HomeRUN, do I have to install it? What is it for?
I will really appreciate on a BIG BIG scale, if you help me and give me some advice.
For example a link to a tutorial which really works.
I know that Mecool M8S Plus DVB is a little shitty device, but anyway.
Thank you.