Odroid N2 test builds

Automatic nightly updates are suspended. You can go for manual download if you want.

when I start to scan services, I have same the problem with Sundtek DVB-C tuner at rear USB-ports as well:

Until now there is no problem when using the front port.
No problem as well with the rear port, when being disloyal to Coreelec with the use of newest Libreelec build…

Manual doesn’t find any new nightlies. I just get an empty list whereas previously I got the latest one there normally.

By manual I mean downloading it from the website and copying to your Update folder.

Well, then a solution must already exist.

Does anyone know if the Odroid N2 (amlogic s922x) uses double buffering or triple buffering? Not sure if changing from the default setting of 2 to 3 in the kodi setting for “buffers used by graphics driver” has any purpose or effect?


Can it be that an dvb-T signal amplifier gets recognized as an usb stick an now my odroid n2 / coreelec killed itselfe? It doesnt boot anymore, it has the error message:
" Error in mount_flash: Could not mount UUID=2504-5402***Starting debugging shell for boot step: mount flash…"

This option in kodi is unused for Amlogic devices. :wink:

No, the SD Cards just is dead, even any tools I have for me PC doesnt bring it back to live.

Question. Do you think, a nearby shortcut with some small sparks can grill the (electrical not connected) SD Card?


after updating to the latest nightly (22th of July), there is a countdown of 60 seconds on the boot-screen before the normal startup.

Can someone tell me the reason for new behavior and how to remove this countdown again?


You can either mount your SD or EMMC on a computer and replace dtb.img with the correct file from the device_trees folder or use the commands below via SSH.

mount -o rw,remount /flash
cp /usr/share/bootloader/device_trees/g12b_s922x_odroid_n2.dtb /flash/dtb.img

The countdown is there to make users aware that they need to update the device tree because there is an update for it.


Thanks :+1:

is there a reason the device-tree got updated?, is this perhaps to do with the ongoing rear usb port issue?, im just curious.

No, it’s unrelated. We’ve refactored all of the 4.9 DTBs, part of the refactor was updated names for DTBs. Because of the rename, the DTBs are not updated automatically, and need to be changed manually.


I have been getting this error popup everytime I boot my device. What can I do to make it cease? I have tried updating to the latest nightly to no avail. This has only been occuring since yesterday.

How exactly can I “update the device tree” ? What exactly does this even mean?

Any help would be appreciated!


Answer was 4 messages above

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Sorry, is there a reason the dtb’s are not automatically being replaced for us?

Thanks guys! :slight_smile:

There was name change so it cannot update automatically.

My new N2 is on its way from Hardkernel and planning to install CoreElec 9.0.3.

Is there any major fixes in CE for the N2 in these test builds or should I wait for the next official CE release with Kodi 18?