Odroid N2 test builds

Player debug info shows [2.40]@23.976,
CoreELEC-Amlogic.arm-cscd_auto.tar is now downloading,speed is slowly,ETA 40 mins

I ordered N2 last night, in order to replace my Beelink GT1 a little slow when the interface is in 4k. I use it mainly for UHD movies (HDR10).

Why this question ?

I think it was because in another thread you said you would purchase a Beelink GT1-K, so a few of us was a little curious as to why all the questions about the N2 from someone who didnā€™t own one.


Just curious. I didnā€™t wanna sound rude. You seem to be very passionate about every issue and every progress while you said you didnā€™t want to get one


Just tried CoreELEC-Amlogic.arm-cscd_auto.tar, unfortunately ,the same

At first I was on Beelink for physical integration problems (a custom-made rack printed in 3D that includes several devices). But considering the enthusiasm around the N2, I will readjust my rack ā€¦

Its hard to pin down because it only affects you and your TV for now.

Yes,it is, I really confused, But Thank you anyway.

You can try to check if some enhancements enabled on your TV, and switch it off and checkā€¦
Just an assumption

Yes ,I try to find it out

S905X3, S905Y3 and S905D3 out later this year with Cortex A55 cores and an AI processor: https://www.cnx-software.com/2019/04/10/amlogic-s905x3-s905y3-s905d3-quad-core-cortex-a55-ai-processors/

This would be a better chip for an odroid sbc due to cortex a55 being faster and lower power consumption, thus a smaller cheaper heatsink could be used too.

I would rather they delay the release and add support for AV1 video codec hardware decoding though.

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X266 would be even better ā€¦

that wonā€™t be ratified for another 1.5yrs, then another 1.5yrs+ until hardware decoders are available.

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Sorry Iā€™m bad at English, I work with the translator and sometimes itā€™s confusing. Does the OTA update to the next version of CE work? This is to know if I can prepare my MicroSD card now with the current version, or if Iā€™m waiting for the receipt of the N2 to put the latest version ā€¦

And, can we recover its old configuration automatically without conflicts? (Beelink GT1 CE configuration)

I uploaded a N2_TV_weird_sample.mkv,Please download and take a look

My observations after the first day of using N2 compared to my X92_S912 box:

My mouse problem went away with latest update (1554893566)

No major issues; HBO-Go (HW decoded) and NF (SW decoded) work perfect at 1080p + subtitles, as does all the rest of my watched material (files from local USB disk)

Picture quality is better than on S912, slightly sharper with slightly less noise.
Chroma saturation is a bit higher, and black level is a bit lower. Will give it a week to ā€œburn inā€ before I recalibrate my TV settings.

One more thing, my new Sandisk UHS _ Class 10 SD card which was not working on my S905X box (kept on throwing errors, and almost went to recycle bin) works perfect on N2 :slight_smile:

Btw, why is ā€œwol_onā€ default setting?

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When cec is disabled at boot the journal / dmesg is spammed with hundred of lines like this:
CoreELEC kernel: cectx ff80023c.aocec: err:cec module disabled

(6 lines per second)

Tried your sample. It plays OK on my PC but not on N2 ā†’ lots of skiped framesā€¦

Automatical update already works. You can backup and restore your settings. Should work without problems

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WakeOnLAN is just something useful for a Mediacenter. Also I like and use it so this I enabled it by default :wink: