Odroid N2 test builds

Hi ray, here is the dmesg with CEC logging on.
Tv already on.

  1. Reboot n2
  2. SSH in and enable logging
  3. Restart Kodi.
  4. Wait until Kodi came back up then pressed up and down on remote a few dozen times.

There was no CEC action at all.
I literally did this 3 times before realising the command is echo 1 not 0 to enable logging XD.
3 out of 4 times CEC didn’t work. It did once


Output of cec-client -l

libCEC version: 4.0.4, compiled on Tue May 14 23:42:34 UTC 2019 by relkai@hammbwcor01 on Linux 4.15.0-48-generic (x86_64), features: P8_USB, DRM, P8_detect, AOCEC
Found devices: 1

device: 1
com port: AOCEC
vendor id: 0000
product id: 0000
firmware version: 5
type: unknown

mount -o rw,remount still gives me a read-only filesystem (/flash) so cannot edit config.ini. What am I doing wrong?

mount -o remount,rw /flash

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Fuck! Sorry… echo 1

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I’m running Windows LTSC 2019 and yes they have in fact fixed the Notepad CR/LF problem. As a test I opened a CoreELEC config file in notepad and saved. Then I did a bit compare to the original file. No difference. So yeah, on the latest version of Windows 10 you can use Notepad without ill effects, finally.

Now tabs can be a different story. I’m perfectly comfortable with vi, literally been using it for decades, but sometimes it’s handy to use Notepad from a share. I haven’t checked Notepad does not mangle tabs created in vi or vice versa so that can still be a problem.

With only the N2 connected. Here are the kernels logs requested. Unlike Alex240188 my CEC has never worked.


Here is my ‘echo 1’ output :slight_smile:


Cool, that blinking light was bothersome. Think you left off part of that command indicating which filesystem to remount, should say “mount -o rw,remount /flash”. Anyway, was able to shut off that blinky light no problem.

If possible, I’d like to make the blue light the power indication and the red light some other useful indication. Don’t know if that’s do-able, but if it is that would be good for me.

I’m having a problem with my remote since the latest build. I have to stop the deamon and reload the ir-keytable to get my remote working after a reboot.


Not possible, red power led is not configurable.

No biggie, I just hate red LEDs. I actually have a good amount of experience doing PCB work so I could change them out myself if I really want to.

Something is blocking send. Maybe CEC is disabled in the TV menu or cable is crap.

Strange. With no other changes, I can literally unplug the HDMI cable from my N2 and plug it into my C2 and CEC works fine.

I’ll try a hard reset on the TV. You can go from C2 to N2 on your LG with no problems?

I had 1 cable which is bad with CEC so I threw it away, no problems with CEC on my TV now, it does take a few seconds after starting Kodi to start responding but this was the same on older devices also.

Mine very rarely works after restarting the n2.
Usually have to switch tv input and then switch back to get it to start working.
It usually happens when first turning the tv on after coming home.
Turn tv on. N2 was the last active source so it returns to that. No CEC without changing tv inputs away and back.

I have only the N2 connected.

I most be the only person who likes the blue heartbeeat. It’s like a little friend alive under the tv.

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Kind of cute when you put it that way, maybe I should turn it back on.

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I just tested with an eMMC, and I always have the following bug :
N2 does not wake up when I turn on the TV. The CEC works perfectly on all the features, except the wakeful output. It’s like N2 was off, instead of going to sleep.

Specifically, N2 still turns on occasionally, but it’s random. I sometimes have to turn off and turn on my TV 3 to 4 times N2 turns on.

I think the problem of the fact that when N2 is asleep, it no longer sends the signal that lets know that it is present in the chain CEC.

I second that.

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CEC wakeup works here if I run CE from eMMC.