Odroid N2 test builds

Thanks guys! I figured it was an amlogic hardware decoding issue as I’ve not seen it on my Intel PC nor on a rockchip device. The same video sample gave my C2 fits several months ago as well. I know I could switch to software decoding of <1080 mpeg2 but it would be great to have this working with hardware decoding.

If i use downmix to 2.1 or higher, i have slowmotion audio. If i use 2.0, than all runs fine, but my woofer did not run. If i use passtrough, my TV must make misstake with the sound, because the passtrough sound is disorted.

Tested analog audio, I have the pop’s too sometimes, the loudest one after booting. I think that is a hardware issue, not software based

This issue will be fixed in next N2 test builds.

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Nice to hear! 5/21 or 5/22?

Hi. Before this commit https://github.com/CoreELEC/xbmc/commit/45d0edc3ccce738405e475b073129958e34f3d4d (I think), VC1 was unplayable.
Now it works well, but I get this:

I have to say that I’m truly impressed by Coreelec. I used xbian on pi for 3 or 4 years, and like to be able to have full control of the OS, down to map NFS on the OS level instead of inside Kodi. It just made more sense to me (and even was easier, since Kodi had troubles accesing it most of the time)

But after playing with this for a few days, i can’t but amaze at the maturity level you guys show with this product. Everything works just fine. I have to say that i love the update system. Flawless so far. Importing my video library via NFS was a breeze, and i’m getting almost the full gbps w/ the nas (with iperf3 as my witness). Bleesed be the dedicated bus for network card!

If it is not apparent by now, this not is not to ask to solve a problem, but to say THANK YOU for your efforts and extraordinary product. Now is about time to get a decent sound system, since all the videos I’ve thrown at this thing plays well.

Keep up the good work!



VC1 is broken inside the closed source blob from AMLOGIC. I’m working closely with Hardkernel so we can resolve this. First I’m working on a huge Amlogic upstream update in kernel. Maybe it will fix it. If not we will try to talk to them.

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It looks like talking with Amlogic is not easy…

Love how well sound works, always get good passhthru to my AVR. Recently moved and getting my sound system into shape now, had to get different speakers due to room arrangement.

Damn proprietary blobs…

It would be easier if we could talk to them directly. But we have Hardkernel and they are giving us great support. And Hardkernel can communicate with AML.

Thank you!! You are the best! I have read the problems with hyperion. I guess that’s why I can not get it to work with the philips hue, as it did on the C2 :slight_smile:

Yeah the Hyperion issues are somehow related.

Playback of my FX sample with problems is better. It does get out of sync after the first commercialc ends but eventually corrects itself when the commercials end and the movie starts back.

I’ve also noticed that the playback info for livetv 1080i is correct now and does not show 1080p.

Is there a chance the kernel update will also implement multi-channel PCM?

I hope so!

Can you post a sample of this video please?

I’ll try, but it will be a small sample because of my ADSL :roll_eyes:

Uploading to Google Drive.
Something strange happens. On this way, it works perfectly:

(In English, I think it’s “Play to” from Windows to CoreELEC.)

If I play directly from the N2, the green bars appear. I’m confused.