[S905X3] X96Air_P2/P3 4/32GB 1Gbit Lan (How to config)

Bootloader (vendor) issue…
That’s why I’m powering the box via USB cable from TV set - shutdown the TV, it shuts down the power to the box as well. :wink:

Could we all agree to merge topics x96air-s905x3-p3-android-9 and s905x3-x96air-p2-p3-4-32gb-1gbit-lan-how-to-config

or close one of them? I dont think that software-wise P2 / P3 differs anyhow, basically all stuff I read was valid for both. For me they differs more in terms 2/16 or 4/32 etc.

Couldnt we keep just one Air X96 thread, considering for all versions there is ng-kernel?

As owner of multiple X96 4/32 (different board revisions, as I found), its inconvinient watch both thread simultanously :slight_smile:


I noticed that the other topic changed the name to just X96Air P3.
I think it is enough to distinguish the two topics since this is a guide on how to set up and the other for general conversation.
In addition, there are differences in hardware problems between version P2 and P3.
Initially, I created this topic to help configure the P2 version, but later reports began to appear that the configuration also gave in the P3 version despite hardware differences such as the WiFi card, bluetooh, etc.

I, for one, disagree.

I see no need, except to make it convenient for you, to merge them.
The hardware is different - although seems the same for most when buying!

It would be more helpful if you could persuade the manufacturers to name their different hardware products with specific and easily identifiable names.

Can you share the Amazon links?

Very recently, ‘someone’ trimmed the title of the other thread, but it has always specified P3 only.

This topic was originally named P2 and you later changed it, to P2/P3 after the P3 topic was created.

I am glad we agree that the topics should not be merged.

I want to assign the + / - vol buttons of my remote to syncronize forward/backward the subtitles
Is that possible?

Please read all i wrote…

Thanks to @Rootz for opening this topic, after reading it I have had no doubt in buying X96 Air P2 with 4/64GB to explore the possibilities of Amlogic-ng and Docker services because they are large consumers of space. In short, NGC (Nice, Good and Cheap) and I have no problem with it, except the disappointment of not being able to install CoreELEC on the emmc.

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Ceemmc is not supported in this device but it’s possible to use it anyway.

That’s not true.
In my case,
CE is installed on eMMc, and even co-exists with Android.

Ceemmc -x will successfully install to emmc on these boxes.


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Unfortunately it is near impossible to ensure you get a P2 and not a P3 when you purchase.
As things progress in development there will be little difference anyway, as both hardware variations will probably be fully supported.

[quote=“Rootz, post:188, topic:8670, full:true”]

What you want to add?there some limits.
did you install OpenVFD addon?

Thanks, i did not i guess. So i will check if i can find this addon.
I want to see the indicators like WLAN, LAN, etc.

Update: So indeed after installing the addon i had nothing to configure because the indicators appeared immediately.
Also the new nightly build that was installed had a fix for the sound problem (HDMI) and now i can really use the X96 Air TV box with coreelec :slight_smile:
Just the analog audio output is not working yet.

I assume that, if I do it, all my kodi data will be formatted , right?

There’s no data loss.

Fantastic! Thank you for your suggestion, I have installed CoreELEC in the internal memory and I have taken the opportunity to remove the terrible android integrated from the factory.

SSH command used: ceemmc -x (option 3) (if you have installation errors then reflash the original android firmware and try this again)

x96air:~ # df
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs               1958732         4   1958728   0% /dev
/dev/CE_FLASH           523248    209692    313556  40% /flash
/dev/loop0              189440    189440         0 100% /
/dev/CE_STORAGE       59232396    207256  59008756   0% /storage
tmpfs                  1963264         0   1963264   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                  1963264      7880   1955384   0% /run
tmpfs                  1963264         0   1963264   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs                  1963264        16   1963248   0% /var
tmpfs                  1963264         4   1963260   0% /tmp

If you are using meson-ir config, install Keymap Editor addon.
Inside the addon Full screen video > playback > subtitle offset and chose the key for subtitle offset +/-
IDK if is possible to do it with amremote config

how did you choose what should be booted?

  • From CE to Android: the script “Reboot to Android”, mapped to a GUI menu entry
  • From Android to CE: just normal reboot