Slow down of

This is not clear for me.
First: You know the framerate of this video? Remember the frame grabbing speed == frame rate. So do not use video’s with a low frame rate like 24Hz.
Second: You talked about OSD (user interface) and not video!?

I believe, it’s my bad English, sorry :slight_smile:

  1. Hyperion has built-in smoothing mechanism, which interpolate color changing. It calculates missing intermediate colors if the LED output FPS set higher than grabbed FPS. So for your latest implementation, it should be like that: video frame rate (f.e. 24Hz) == grabbing speed (same 24Hz) != LED output frame rate (50Hz thanks to smoothing). And resulting LED output should be stepless and fluent no matters how low original grabbed FPS is.

  2. Firstly i noticed and reported the problem with UI, and promised to check the video grabbing either. Later (today) i checked it and confirmed that video grabbing doesn’t use smoothing either.

No, this line actually makes the video output corrupt.

If you set your screensaver in kodi to black your leds will turn off.

That’s how i do it

Yes, I am doing the same at this moment, but if there’s an option to skip the UI grabbing like in standard Hyperion with kodicheck, it will be better

I’m using non modified and CE stable image and for me echo 3 (instead of 1) in my is working great for all content including 4K HDR. I haven’t noticed any performance issues yet.

echo 3 | tee /sys/module/amvdec_h265/parameters/double_write_mode


Will see what happens with this setting in the latest test build.

All these other problems are off-topic. Here we talk only about the slow-downs.
So for other features/bugs make a new thread or if related go to the hyperion support forum.

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Is this also addressed to me? But smoothing peculiarities are reproduced only with modified Hyperion :pleading_face:

I can’t reproduce, make a video of the TV & the LEDs the same time and send me a Link to the video. But it also for a new thread…

what i can say: it IS smoothing GUI and Video. i can not say if it is as smooth as before Portisch´s modifications - but i cant see any difference.
vevs: maybe you have to play with smoothing settings because they change with capture frequency as Portisch said…?

Also I upgraded the hyperion source to the latest state. Maybe there is a bug, contact the hyperion forum.

I upgrade my main system in the livingroom. All fine with “echo 3 | tee /sys/module/amvdec_h265/parameters/double_write_mode” option in

Play some 4K HDR Files. Nice and smooth. Never seen this before on my S905X box.
Stress Test this weekend.

How can i disable grabbing in main menu? Black screen is for me no good solution.

Looks like “kodiVideoChecker” does not work in this build. Can you fix this @Portisch

so… will the next coreelec update integrate this? (i.e. will the next version work out of the box?)

@sunnyfunny right now it is hardcoded. You may make a new issue when it is Amlogic related:
If the issue is a general issue of hyperion go to the developer repo:

@Zeze21 It will be tomorrow in the nightlies and when everything is ok in the next release.

Last try here, i promise :slight_smile: Uploaded new slow-mo vids, link the same.

Nope :slight_smile: Try to watch my videos intently. The first thing i did prior to report the issue - played with smoothing (and hardware-related) settings a lot.

I’ll do it, thanks. But please, take a look at my videos anyway :innocent:

You can see on both videos that it is smoothing. On the new one it is a little bit more stepped you are right with that. But do you see the difference from the couch? I didn’t even see it.

Smoothing in Hyperion = color transition interpolation + LED output FPS adjustment, not only an interpolation. Maybe i should say “working incorrectly” instead of “not working”? Ok :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, yes. And not just see, it bothers and distracts me from time to time.

That’s exactly what i said earlier:

Totally agree with that (now) :smiley: . The key question is still if its Portisch’s mod related?:thinking:

Many thanks for all your hard work! I will update to this and test it this weekend!