I dont know, it should have it. The box is sold as 1G ethernet
I believe the X96 max S905x2 boxes are 100m ethernet for the 2GB/16GB boxes and 1GB ethernet for the 4GB/32GB and 4GB/64GB boxes - that is the latest I can find. I have just bought the 4GB/32GB model and waiting for it to come before installing CE on it.
I made 1Gbit change for 4GB version, but it doesn’t work.
Ok, we will check later. Something more need to be changed.
On Beelink GT1 mini 4/32 GB ethernet works.
I have Beelink GT1 mini 2/32 with 905x2. the coreelec will work? what file img.gz to use? Thank you for answer.
To me in a tanix tx5 max(S905x2 4/32), I get this error. I have already tried with different SD and DTB with the 2GB and the 4GB that you have put in the thread.
Boot from USB and not from card slot.
You can use a SD card to USB adapter or maybe a USB stick.
i have try o mine USB stick no luck
Perfect, so boot correctly. In my case, wifi does not work either. The wifi of my box is: RTL8822
mi bad as using rong image, boot ok using usb stik, and ethernet is working, ram 4g ok, wifi ins´t, comand powers down ok, but don´t powers on de device
Hi all
I have X96 Max 4/64
Tested with generic img , dtb s905x2 with usb stick but no boot
zambu man : using rong image ?
what is correct img ?
x96 max 4/64
Boot from usb 3.0
ethernet ok
wifi no ok
bluettoth no ok
4 gigas ram detected.
Great step devs.
I dont know what vfd.conf can try for display @TheCoolest
Good, after doing tests in my tanix tx5 max (4/32) I can say that this build is going incredibly well, being the first. In principle, I leave these reports.
Boot SD: Not working
Boot USB (Pendrive): Working
Gigabit Ethernet: Working.
Vdf (FD628): Not working
Remote (meson-ir): Working
HEVC 1080p: Working
H264 1080p: Working
Audio: Working
USBs 3.0 and 2.0: Working
4 GB Ram: Working with the thread dtb
Wifi and Bluetooth (RTL8822): Not Working
I need to try 4k both HEVC and H264.
Mecool KM9 PRO 4GB/32GB
Boot SD: Not working
Boot USB 2.0/3.0 (Pendrive): Working
Ethernet: Working.
USBs 3.0 and 2.0: Working
4 GB Ram: Not working with the thread dtb. showing only 2GB
Wifi and Bluetooth: Not Working
where’s the reset button?
its generic whith dtb post by boot2k3
av hole, back side
I need the android dtb.
To help Devs with adding WiFi/BT support, these are the modules in some popular boxes.
Mecool KM9 PRO - AP6236
X96 Max/A95X Max/MECOOL KM3 - AP6356S
Beelink GT1 Mini/X2 CUBE/T95Q/Mecool KM9 - AP6255
Tanix TX5 Max - FN-Link 6222B-SRB
Sorry for bothering you, I could also see the tanix tx5 max:
DTB:DtbTanixAndroidStock.zip (38.6 KB)