Tencent Aurora5X How to boot from USB

是的 但是请尽量在腾讯极光5X内修补 否则可能会有一些奇奇怪怪的问题

并且请使用Kitsune Mask 因为对Magisk做了包名限制 请不要传播此方法

Uh, hello, are you still there? I wanted to ask how to recover from 5X if ceemmc -x writes to /dev/mmcblk0 and then starts Kernel Panic? Or do you know who to call? Thank you. It’s from the group. I’ll ask.

Write fresh Android to it if Android doesn’t start anymore.

And you can call support line :thinking:

Looks like there’s no custom Recovery for the 5X right now maybe I should go to the XDA forums and ask for a TWRP? Hopefully the 5X won’t be too much of a problem but is anyone really going to reply… I’ll give it a shot. :expressionless: