Ugoos AM6b(+) HDMI signal drop/no picture issue

It’s a good idea to go to defaults and bare bones setup when trying to diagnose issues.

Ie Ugoos box direct to TV via single hdmi lead, Ugoos all CE defaults.

You never know, you could do that above and it may behave or fix the issue.

It also gives you a chance to go through what could be triggering the issue one step at a time etc

I should have said I have done the above in my original post but will edit it shortly, but it does not mean my case will be same for all.

Regarding logs there is a guide here

Just today i bough a samsung q990d and i’ve been using my nokia 8010 and when i plug my external ssd(sata enclosure) screen goes black.
I use the q990d so i can just easly passthrough my devices to the tv,so i dont have to deal with any potential delays and stuff.
Before i had the nokia plugged in the TV hdmi.
My coreelec install is running on a usb in the 2.0 port
The external drive connected to the 3.0 port.
I can 100% replicate this each time…
If i swap the external drive in the 2.0 port,everything seems to be just fine…no black screens…

Sounds like a different issue to the hdmi signal drop issue.

Perhaps post separately on the main page here
You may get more replies/help this way.

Also worth trying an AC powered usb hub or AC powered sata/hdd enclosure, hard drives, ssds, nvmes in enclosures imo always need a bit more power to get stability and speed in devices otherwise they cause issues. AC and wall plugged enclosures, no issues just in my experience at least.

I had similar issues playing some of my 4k@60hz/4k@59.94hz videos on my AM6b+. I whitelisted the 2 4920x2160 resolutions, and the signal drop went away. However, when I play those same videos, the audio would start right away, but the video doesn’t appear until 15-20 secs after. Not sure if this is directly related to your problem …

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Not too much update on this issue, but I no longer spam test playing back 100s of videos since its obviously not the normal playback manner.

But I have been doing my tv-series with multiple episodes, and no issues with playback with signal dropping.

Maybe its like I suggested earlier the more the box got broken in and almost burned in, it seemed to reduce the issue. This could be wrong obviously and it could have just been due to using nighty builds and updated daily builds but I have gone back to the newest stable release last few weeks.

Am left wondering if the AM6+ hardware just needed to be broken in. Either way one has to expect the hardware is not going to be 100% given what we are getting which is pure brilliance from the CE team, keep up the good work.