What media player do you own?

Another Odroid C2 owner here! :star_struck:
And a Tanix TX7 which works like a charm on my parent’s house.
Both powered by the latest CE release.

Minix Neo U1
Mecool M8S Pro+
Mecool M8s ProL
Tanix TX3 Mini
Apple TV 4K
Dvico TViX HD M-6500A

Minix Neo U1
MiniM8SPro S905X
Multiple RasPis (1,2,3)
Vero (First Gen - retired)
WDTV Live Hub (retired & re-gifted)
Dvico Tvix HD M-7000A (retired)
Archos 605 (retired)

@Ray - You have an engineering sample of the N1? Nice! :slight_smile: How’s it looking?


Wetek Hub with Rii25 RC

Nvidia Shield (with MrMc), 2 x M8S Pro Plus (one with coreelec on sdcard and one with android), Raspberry 1,2,3, Chromebox (with libreelec), Vero 4K 

 i like these box :slightly_smiling_face:


Is that good or bad? (not sure what you mean) :thinking:

Poida, I think he means the temperature of the cpu, which in this case is bad as 80+ celsius is quite high
 My Mecool M8S Pro+ (S905X) starts to freeze and lag if the temperature gets that high

I own 3 Mecool M8S Pro+ and all have a modified passive cooling solution to keep the temperature as low as possible

Yeah I thought that was probably it. Strange, I have two X96’s and they run at around mid - high fifties, whatever build I have on them (from what I can see), never had any hassle with them - apart from the crappy remotes

Nexbox A95X 2/32GB with BT, good experience with this box.
S805 1/8GB using internal with LE8.2

MXQ PRO s905
MECOOL KII Pro (s905d)
MECOOL KI Pro (s905d)
H96 Pro (s912)

No, straight out of the box (well one of them is around 62, but same ballpark)
I don’t monitor them continuously though, so it might fluctuate some, now and then

Hi, I’m new here and wanted to use this thread to introduce myself quick.
I have a Akaso HM8 Box (S905X, 1GB RAM, 8GB internal memory), similar to Mecool HM8.
Works fine, could be a bit stronger but for like 20 $ it was a very good deal.
Until now I used it with kszaq’s latest LE 8.2 build.
After the recent visit on LE forum I read about the current situation.
I don’t really have an opinion on that and just selfishly picked the build that appeals to me the most.

The forum layout and this line:
-) YouTube/DAZN streaming is working again

made me switch to CoreElec and so far I don’t regret it. Just minor issues I also had with kszaqs build.
Great work guys, keep it up!

Minix U9-H and a chromebox for me

That don’t make you a bad guy, just normal :grin:

1 Like

Nexbox A95X 1/8GB with 100M ethernet and Realtek Wifi.

Hallo Tosa,
ich verzweifle noch mit meiner Mini MXII und der Fernbedienung.
Zum einen funktioniert der OK-Button nicht mehr. Zum anderen werden TastendrĂŒcke meistens als “Doppeldruck” gewertet.
Noch schlimmer wird es, wenn ich meine Logitech Harmony nutzen will

Hast du eine funktionierende Datei fĂŒr Coreelec?
Und was fĂŒr Parameter nutzt du fĂŒr

  • ir-keytable -D / -P
  • ir-ctl -t
    Besten Dank im Voraus!

I have a Beelink MiniMXIII, I got my remote files from https://forum.libreelec.tv/thread/11643-le9-0-remote-configs-ir-keytable-amlogic-devices/

It seems to work OK.

Hi everybody,

my box
X96 2G/16GB https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Genuine-VONTAR-X96-Amlogic-S905X-Quad-Core-Android-6-0-TV-Box-4K-2GB-16GB/32705176060.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.bIEE1a
DAC https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Digital-to-Analog-Audio-Decoder-Converter-Adapter-Coaxial-Optical-Toslink-SPDIF-to-Stereo-3-5mm/32808401045.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.QNnPrB

Control: BT mouse

In internal: LE
On SD card: CE 8.90.2

Look here:

ir-keytable -D 130 -P 120
ir-ctl -t 25000

File here

PS. Der OK -knopf muss KEY_ENTER zugewiesen bekommen
 siehe files.

Current: H96 Pro 3/16 (s912), M8S II 2/16 (S905X)