[Guide] S922X-J (Ugoos AM6b+) CoreELEC installation and FAQs

Install docker and Linuxserver.io repo.
There you’ll find Plex server…

Done, but PlexMOD doesn’t see the Plex server.
I’m probably missing some steps.
Do I have to install the Plex server first and then the PLEXMOD?
I miss it a little…

Nope. Never used these two cause I use emby server and client on same ugoos. Just point to your ip address I guess?

I think I’m missing some information
I didn’t indicate my IP. Where should I indicate it? I searched online for information but didn’t find anything that helped me… I’m a bunner.
The Plex server on Kodi (Coreelec) is not running, but is only enabled, the run button remains grayed out.
I don’t know how to explain the situation… unfortunately for me, my English is not that good

I’ll try …
If I use the PLEX server from my PC and use my account, from Ugoos Kodi I see my PC server and everything works. But I wouldn’t want to use a PC multimedia server, in short I wouldn’t want to keep the PC turned on to watch my Movie library.

With only Kodi and CoreLecc I have the whole library ok, but it seems very messed up, I prefer Plex

After installing plex server you need to configure it…
Reach to addon settings and find out what you’re missing :wink:

someone an idea what that is :frowning:

I managed to enable Plex server on Ugoos Kodi, but I need to include it in the dashboard…

plex server bit off topic, check here

Colour bars? Vertical :wink:

:grin: it was late, forgot to write that this was my screen after booting. but 10 reboots and power cuts solved it somehow.
back in the game. puhh

Thanks, sorry for the off-topic.
I’m sending the question to the correct address "plex media server ".
Liquidion can you please answer me?

hi experts why do I have 24hz after every update? I’m manually changing it to 23.9, as 99% of my content is 23.9.

is that a bad idea? should I leave it?
thanks for clarification!! best

My last update got corrupted. Can someone help me on how to manually update with the latest nightly build? I can place the latest TAR file onto the device storage via SMB but I dont know what to do next. There’s no options to manually update the device under Settings anywhere.


If your device still boots CE then just put .tar file in update folder and update.


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hello, why do I have 24hz after every update? what’s the reason for overwriting a setting?

Hi, I have issues with booting from micro sd card so help would be appreciated.

I own Ugoos am6 plus with firmware version 0.5.4.

I created coreelec 21.0 bootable file usinf rufus and adding coreled-amlogic-ng.arm-21.0-omega-generic.img.gz stable.

Then in the root of the sdcard I added dovi.ko and remote.conf files.

After that from device_trees folder I copied ugoos am6b dtb file and removed power cable from the box. I pressed recovery button and inserted power cable, but i got stuck in bootloop with upgrading… Message on the screen. If i remove the needle from recovery button i am stuck in bootloop on the welcome screen. The device boots in android only after i remove sd card.

Same happens if i replace am6b dtb file with am6 dtb file.

Where do i make mistake in the procedure?

Did you rename mentioned “ugoos am6b dtb file” to “dtb.img”?

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Did you update android firmware in ugoos to 0.5.4?

So im trying to update my Ugoos as the last one was corrupted for some reason. When I try to place the new TAR file into the update folder, it says there’s not enough space. Sometimes it does copy over but still keep saying the data is corrupted. Any other ways to update or should I just reset and restart from scratch?

Thank you for the tip. I failed to notice that i need to rename the file to dtb.img. for my device am6+ it was am6 file, not am6b. Now everything is working ok