Nightly builds (NEW)

Probbably reason is written in Kodi log file?

In the nightly ng builds following 20240119, videos and audio are not playing for me; only the loading circle spins, and I receive a notification about the played video in the top right corner.

more info:
X96s on internal eMMC memory, Philips OLED 4k HDR resolution.

CoreELEC (official): 20.3-Nexus_nightly_20240130 (Amlogic-ng.arm)
Machine model: Amlogic
CoreELEC dt-id: g12a_s905y2_4g

log after play video:

On my shield it’s the same with latest omega nightly.
So it seems it’s not an specific coreELEC problem…

I can’t see anything in the log file… There is the same error but a little bit more detailed. “It seems that the webif is not reachable. Maybe wrong settings” or something like that.

Is it possible to downgrade from a img.gz file instead .tar in update folder ? If yes , I can test since when the error appears.

Visualization is faulty again. No matter if goon or others. Sometimes it starts, sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes it just stops during playback. Even if you skip forward or back a song it just switches off.
Wasn’t the case with builds in early January.

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Amlogic-no Discussion

On Android the e2.pvr add-on is working again with latest omega maven build. With coreELEC it is still broken. Don’t know how to fix it.

With latest CE NE omega nightly the e2.pvr is working again… Thanks , I’m lucky…

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Does anyone know what happened to today’s nightly? It seems to have built for the -ce Nexus, but the rest are missing. I’m hoping to test -ng Omega build.

Something went wrong and will be build tomorrow.

Nighly images were build today and are ready to use :slight_smile:

Where can I get CE21 20240322 nightly?

Find them here

Thank you, I need the amlogic-ng version for my Ugoos AM6+.

The latest -ng nightly works if you want to test it out.

Have all FEL-related playback issues been resolved in the latest nightly version?

Nope, it’s still very much under development. However, from all the testing, it seems that that the UGOOS is more accurate than the OPPO and Sony x800mk2 when it works.

Recommend 20.5-ng nightly vs 21. More stable DV playback.

It seems as if the FEL issues have largely been resolved if you want to test it out.

Oh! thank U. It’s very kind of U. I’ll try.