Odroid N2 test builds

@PViriX try echo 0 > /sys/module/di/parameters/nr2_en and compare if it better or not.

I got my N2 yesterday and am impressed, how easy it was to set up Coreelec!

Biggest Limitation so far: Videos are too dark and areas that are not brightly lit are almost black with details lacking.

I am wondering if this is connected to wahr @ozolli reported here: Odroid N2 test builds Brightness and Contrast settings are “accessible” but are not “working”.

When Video Hardware Accleration is turned off, videos are brighter and the Brightness and Contrast settings are working (but then of course 4k Videos are stuttering because of missing accleration).

Is there some sort of Workaround for this as it is suggested here for S912 hadware? https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=304219&pid=2548657#pid2548657

My setup (Benq 1070+ projector, Pioneer VSX-920 AVR, N2 4GB)

It can’t be disabled via Kodi when using hardware decode which is why bypass_all is necessary. Available software de-interlacers are worse in my experience.

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The issue is even more severe. Progressive videos are being deinterlaced! I have a patch to introduce bypass_prog but it leads to stutter with some videos.

“echo 0 > /sys/module/di/parameters/nr2_en”

what does this do exactly?

is this to be used in conjunction with :

echo 1 > /sys/module/di/parameters/bypass_all?

Disable Amlogic Noise Reduction

nr2_en - some Amlogic Noise Reduction, 0 – off
bypass_all is to disable all features related to deinterlacing(don’t switch it to off if you have interlaced source and don’t have an issue with it).

If I turn off features related to deinterlacing, will my tv take over deinterlacing?

I turned off noise reduction through that command. I will wait for another high quality soccer feed to do a comparison. At first glance it looks slightly better watching cnn, but it could be placebo.

The soccer feed I was discussing was 60 fps, so it was not interlaced im thinking. As is cnn. Could interlacing / deinterlacing still be an issue in this case?

If the video is marked internally as interlaced, yes, your TV will deinterlace. If it is mislabeled, it probably will be ugly.

for h264 stream check cat /sys/devices/platform/deinterlace/deinterlace/di0/frame_format while playing video

I’m not sure that box will label it as interlace for TV if you use 1080p or some other progressive resolution. If you use 1080i for example, than it possible TV will do deinterlace. But on amlogic deinterlace is good enough.

I notice it says in kodi its deinterlacing yadif on the fs1 feed which shows also as 59.94 fps.

if it’s yadif, than you use software decoding and interlacing, not hardware

Ill continue testing this and get back to you. I think it always deinterlaces in kodi. When I turn off deinterlacing in kodi the stream looks the same to me. Streams look amazing on all systems, dont get me wrong. Its just there is a slight difference. One is noticeably better to me. And the amlogic seems not as crisp. The noise reduction removal did help slightly I feel however. Tried all deinterlacing and scaling methods as well, and they made no difference, even off/on.

I get freezers during watching life TV. Reboot doesn’t work, I have to pull the power cord.


It doesn’t deinterlace in Kodi when you use hw decoding. TV doesn’t deinterlace either.
I noticed the same that bypass_all looks almost the same with interlaced which for me means that bypass_all still deinterlace somehow. You can see how a DVD is still played at 50FPS not 25 when you disable DI.

Yes, I did. I have not seen slowdown in the couple of hours I have watched.

So what build are you exactly using and what files have av sync issues?