I have an odroid n2 and latest stable coreelec installed.
But I am having bad luck with getting a reliable remote to work.
I have a non branded android remote with keyboard.
Which for some reasons works sometimes great then doesnt work even with full charge
I also have official osmc remote which is giving me same hassle.
Sometimes very responsive and sometimes not at all.
Odroid n2 is in same place and I am using a usb 2.0 extension cable, I have tried a few different cables same issue.
If I use my k400+ logitech keyboard it works perfect and at 4m distance.
All remotes have own dongle.
I seem to get worse peformance when using on projector no idea why.
With my vero 4k setup using osmc and the osmc remote i had no issues.
On Kodi on my daughters tv her actual samsung remote works great.
I am happy to buy any remote I just really want it to work correctly, I have to go within 1 meter of my device to get it to respond sometimes.
PS I love coreelec default red theme.